- Caption
- Leaders of the American Jewish Committee meet to discuss responses to European antisemitism.
The original caption reads "Belief that Anti-Jewish agitation in the United States has been checked during the past year, but that it was increasing tragically in Europe expressed by the Executive Committee of the American Jewsh Committee in a report presented at the organization's thirtieth annual meeting at the Hotel Astor, Sunday January 10th, 1937."
Left to right are Harry Schneiderman, Assistant Secretary; Dr. Cyrus Adler, President; James Rosenberg, member of the Executive Committee; Solomon Strook, chairman of the Executive Committee. - Date
1937 January 10
- Locale
- New York City, NY United States
- Photo Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Helen Hamlin
Rights & Restrictions
- Photo Source
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Copyright: United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumProvenance: Helen HamlinSource Record ID: Collections: 2003.276
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Biography
- Helen R. Hamlin is the widow of Isadore Hamlin. Isadore (Itzik) Hamlin was the son of Isaac Hamlin and Anny Freedman Hamlin. Itzik, a life-long Labor Zionist, was born in Cambridge, MA on January 21, 1917 and received his B.S. from Cornell University in 1941. After college he was the first recipient of the Bnai Brith scholarship which he used to attend the New School for Social Research to study international law and politics. He was drafted in June 1942. Itzik was later sent to officer's candidate school and became a lieutenant in the intelligence staff of 83rd Infantry Division. In February 1944 he was sent overseas and served in the European Theater of Operations and the Army of Occupation. In April, 1945, he participated in the liberation of Buchenwald. After having witnessed first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust, Isadore decided to devote the rest of his life to the welfare of the Jewish people. He was discharged in September 1945 with the rank of Captain. After his return to America, he and his wife Helen moved to Washington DC where Itzik assumed the position of press officer for the Jewish Agency for Palestine. This later became the Israeli Embassy following Israel's independence in May 1948. In 1949 he returned to New York to become the executive assistant to the Executive Director of the Jewish Agency for Israel. In 1964 he became the Executive Director of the Jewish Agency and remained so until his retirement in 1988.
- Record last modified:
- 2008-10-06 00:00:00
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- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1148854