- Interviewee
Izrail Gurevich
- Experience Group
Jewish Survivor
- Gender
- Interview Length
- Interview Date
- Interview Location
/ Russia
- Birth Year
- Birth City
Penza (Penza/ Russia/ USSR)
- Birth Country
Russia/Soviet Russia
- Camps
Lwów (Poland : POW Camp)(generic)
STALAG 327 (Przemysl/ Poland : POW Camp)
Gross Rosen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
STALAG VIII-B (Lamsdorf/ Germany : POW Camp)
STALAG 327 (Jaroslaw/ Lwów/ Poland : POW Camp)
Vorkuta (Russia/ USSR : Soviet Concentration Camp)(generic)
- Hiding or False Identity Location
Gross Rosen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
STALAG VIII-B (Lamsdorf/ Germany : POW Camp)
- Liberated By
armed forces/ Soviet
- Location of Liberation
Litomerice (Czechoslovakia)
- Other Experiences
concealment of Jewish identity
- Prewar Religious Identity
- Description
Forms part of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute Visual History Archive.