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Anti-British propaganda poster reminding people of previous British conquests of French territory

Object | Accession Number: 1998.136.4

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    Anti-British propaganda poster reminding people of previous British conquests of French territory

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    Brief Narrative
    Propaganda poster in French stating how Britain created its Empire by taking French territories. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. In response Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. On June 22, 1940, France signed an armistice agreement by which the Germans would occupy the northern half of France. After the armistice and occupation, German authorities began releasing propaganda to fuel the resentment many French people held towards the British. The poster lists, in chronological order, French colonial losses to Britain by year. In 1704, as part of the war of the Spanish Succession Britain captured Gibraltar from Spain, France’s ally. At the subsequent treaty of Utrecht, Britain’s possession of Gibraltar was formalized and France ceded Newfoundland. In 1763, the Treaty of Paris concluded the Seven Years War between France and Britain. As part of the terms of the treaty, France relinquished Canada and all conquests in India since 1749. In 1801, the British foiled Napoleon’s military campaign in Egypt. In the Entente Cordiale, signed in 1904, France recognized Britain’s sphere of influence over Egypt. The poster implies that the British Empire was formed from these victories, however, the poster fails to inform the reader of the concessions that Britain made to France over the same period.
    Artwork Title
    Français, n'oublie pas
    Alternate Title
    French do not forget
    publication:  after 1940 September 23-before 1944 August
    distribution: France
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection
    front, printed, blue and red ink : FRANÇAIS, / N'oubliez pas que si l'Angleterre / s'est créé, depuis deux cents ans, un Empire / sur le monde, c'est uniquement au détri- / ment de notre Pays. / Les dates qui suivent rappellent, chacune, une blessure faite / à la France : / 1704 : Après la guerre de Succession, l'Angleterre s'installe à / GIBRALTAR. / 1713 : Paix d'Utrecht. L'Angleterre nous prend TERRE-NEUVE. / 1753-1765 : Apres les guerres desastreuses du XVIIIe siècle, / l'Angleterre nous prend le CANADA et s'installe defini- / tivement aux INDES conquises par Dupleix. / 1783 : Nous cédons aux Anglais les Iles BAHAMA. / 1801 : Les Anglais s'emparent de l'EGYPTE (après la campagne / de Bonaparte et le meurtre de Kléber). / 1803 : Les Anglaise s'installent a SAINTE-LUCIE colonisée par les / Française. / 1800-1815 : L'lle de MALTE, conquise par Bonaparte en 1798, / est prise et conservée par les Anglais. / 1810 : Les Anglais s'installent à I'LLE MAURICE qui nous appar- / tenait. / 1810-1814 : Ils s'installent aux Iles SEYCHELLES. / 1839 : Ils s'installent à ADEN. / 1874 : Les Anglais s'emparent de la gestion du CANAL DE / SUEZ construit par le Français de Lesseps. / 1898 : Le SOUDAN, le BAS-NIL, FACHODA... / 1904 : Traité franco-espagnol, les Anglais se font donner / mains libres en ÉGYPTE / 1940 : Le guet-apens de MERS-el-KEBIR. / 1940 : 23 Septembre, l'agression de DAKAR. / et quoi encore?.... / FRANÇAIS, souvenez-vous! [French, / Do not forget that England has been creating an empire / for 200 years, to the detriment of our country. / The following dates recall, each, an injury made to France: / 1704: After the War of Succession, England settled in / GIBRALTAR. / 1713: Peace of Utrecht. England takes NEWFOUNDLAND. / 1753-1765: After the disastrous wars of the eighteenth century, England took CANADA and settled definitely on the INDIA conquered by Dupleix. / 1783: We cede to the English to the BAHAMA Islands. / 1801: The English seize EGYPT (after the campaign / of Bonaparte and the murder of Kléber). / 1803: The English settled in SAINT LUCIA colonized by the French. / 1800-1815: The island of MALTA, conquered by Bonaparte in 1798, is taken and preserved by the English. / 1810: The English settled in MAURITIUS which belonged to us. / 1810-1814: They settled in the SEYCHELLES Islands. / 1839: They settled in ADEN. / 1874: The English seize the management of the SUEZ CANAL built by the Frenchman Lesseps. / 1898: The SUDAN, the LOWER NILE, FASHODA ... / 1904: Franco-Spanish treaty, the English get hands-free EGYPT / The ambush of MERS-el-KEBIR. / 1940: September 23, the aggression at DAKAR. / and what else?.... / French, remember!]

    Physical Details

    War propaganda
    Physical Description
    French propaganda poster on faded medium weight, white paper with a historical timeline outlining territorial disputes between France and Great Britain surrounded by a triple line border with a blue exterior, white center, and red interior. The title is at the top in oversized blue text, followed by a paragraph of slightly smaller blue text. In the center is the timeline, the years are in red on the left followed by a 1 to 3 line description in blue text with names and places capitalized in red. At the bottom there is a line of larger blue text followed by another line of oversized blue text.
    overall: Height: 46.875 inches (119.063 cm) | Width: 31.500 inches (80.01 cm)
    overall : paper, ink

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    No restrictions on access
    Conditions on Use
    No restrictions on use

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    The poster was acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1998.
    Funding Note
    The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
    Record last modified:
    2025-01-02 11:32:48
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