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Anti-Semitic propaganda poster with pictures of several prominent Jewish figures

Object | Accession Number: 1999.144.2

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    Anti-Semitic propaganda poster with pictures of several prominent Jewish figures

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    Brief Narrative
    Anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda poster published in Munich, Germany, and distributed the week of May 27 to June 2, 1942. The text is from a speech that Adolf Hitler gave to the Reichstag on April 26, 1942. The text denounces Jews as the reason that Germany lost World War I, the group that incited the rise of communism, and drove Britain and America to war with Germany. As proof for these claims the poster features pictures of 6 prominent, powerful Jewish men. On the left are two Americans and a Soviet: Bernard Baruch, an advisor to Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt during both World Wars; Felix Frankfurter, an advisor to Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt and a US Supreme Court Justice and Maksim Masimovich Litvinov, a diplomat who sought to ally Soviet Union with the west against Germany before World War I. On the right is an Englishman and two Germans: Leslie Hore-Belisha, a member of Parliament and British secretary of state for war from 1937-40; Walther Rathenau, an industrialist and statesman who served as head of the War Raw Materials Department in the German War Ministry in 1914-15, minister of reconstruction in 1921, and foreign minister in 1922; and Kurt Eisner, a socialist and statesman who opposed German involvement in WWI and organized a Socialist Revolution that overthrew the monarchy in Bavaria in 1918.The captions under these photos label all the men as Jews and the yellow background color of the poster is a similar shade as the Star of David badges Jews were forced to wear in Germany.
    Artwork Title
    Die Drahtzieher!
    Alternate Title
    The Masterminds!
    Series Title
    Parole der Woche
    publication/distribution:  1942 May 27-1942 June 02
    publication: Munich (Germany)
    creation: Berlin (Germany)
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection
    front, top, printed, black ink : Die Drahtzieher! [The Masterminds!]
    front, center, printed, black ink : Der Führer sprach am 26. April 1942: / „Die verborgenen Kräfte, die England schon im Jahre 1914 in / den ersten Weltkrieg gehetzt haben, sind Juden gewesen. / Die Kraft, die uns selbst damals lähmte und endlich unter der Parole, / daß Deutschland seine Fahne nicht mehr siegreich nach Hause / tragen dürfe, zur Übergabe zwang, war eine jüdische. Judan / zettelten in unserem Volke die Revolution an und raubten uns / damit jedes weitere Widerstandsvermögen. Juden haben aber / seit 1939 auch das Britische Weltreich in seine gefährliche Krise / hineinmanöveriert. Juden waren die Träger jener bolschewisti- / schen Infektion, die einst Europa zu vernichten drohte. Sie waren / aber auch zugleich die Kriegshetzer in den Reihender Plutokratien. / Ein Kreis von Juden hat einst Amerika gegen alle eigenen / Interessen dieses Landes in den Krieg mit hineingetrieben, / einzig und allein aus jüdisch-kapitalistischen Gesichtspunkten. / Und der Präsident Roosevelt besitzt in Ermangelung / eigener Fähigkeit jenen geistigen Unterstützungstrust, dessen / leitende Männer ich nicht namentlich aufzuführen brauche : / es sind nur Juden!" [The leader spoke on April 26, 1942: „The hidden forces that had driven England into World War I in 1914 were the Jews. The force which paralyzed us even at the time and finally forced us to surrender under the slogan that Germany should no longer be able to carry her flag home victoriously, was a Jewish one. Jews instigated the revolution in our people and robbed us of any further resistance. But since 1939 Jews have also maneuvered the British Empire into its dangerous crisis. Jews were the carriers of that Bolshevik infection that once threatened to destroy Europe. But they were also the warmongers in the line of plutocracy. A circle of Jews drove America into the war against all its own interests, solely from a Jewish-capitalist point of view. And President Roosevelt, in the absence of his own ability, has the intellectual support that I do not have to list by name for his senior men: they are only Jews! "]
    front, top left, picture caption, printed, black ink : Der Jude Bernhard Baruch [The Jew Bernhard Baruch]
    front, center left, picture caption, printed, black ink : Der Jude Felix Frankfurter [The Jew Felix Frankfurter]
    front, bottom left, picture caption, printed, black ink : Der Jude Litwinow-Finkelstein [The Jew Litwinow Finkelstein]
    front top right, picture caption, printed, black ink : Der Jude Hore-Belisha [The Jew Hore Belisha]
    front, center right, picture caption, printed, black ink : Der Jude Walther Rathenau [The Jew Walther Rathenau]
    front, bottom right, picture caption, printed, black ink : Der Jude Eisner-Kosmanowski [The Jew Eisner Kosmanowski]
    front, bottom right, top circle, printed, black ink : Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: W Wächter, Berlin. / Verlag franz Eher Nachf., München. [Responsible for the Content: W. Wächter, Berlin. / Publisher Franz Eher Nachf., Munich]
    front, bottom right, inside circle, printed, black ink : No.22 Pd/W 1942 / 27.5 2.6.
    front, bottom right corner, printed, black ink : 0155
    Publisher: Zentralverlag der NSDAP
    Editor: W. Wächter
    Subject: Bernard Baruch
    Subject: Felix Frankfurter
    Subject: Maksim Maksimovich
    Subject: Leslie Hore-Belisha
    Subject: Walther Rathenau
    Subject: Kurt Eisner
    Bernard Baruch was born on August 19, 1870, in Camden South Carolina, to Simon Baruch and Isabel (Belle) Wolfe Baruch. Simon was born in Prussia, to a Jewish family. He came to the United Sates in 1840 to avoid conscription in the Prussian army. He became a doctor and served as a surgeon for the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Belle came from a wealthy South Carolina family which had suffered ruin following the Civil War. Bernard had three brothers, Hartwig (1868-1953), Herman (1872-1953) and Sailing (1874-1962). Bernard graduated from the College of the City of New York in 1889, and became a successful stock market speculator and financier. He married Annie Griffin and they had 3 children, Belle, Bernard Baruch Jr., and Renee. In 1916 Benard was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson to the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense. In 1919, he was a member of the Supreme Economic Council at the Versailles Peace Conference and was also a personal adviser to President Wilson on the terms of peace. During WWII he was an advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt. After the war he formulated policy at the United Nations. Bernard Baruch, age 94, died on June 20, 1965, in New York City.
    Felix Frankfurter was born on November 15, 1882, in Vienna, Austria Hungary (now Austria), to a Jewish couple, Leopold, a merchant, and Emma Frankfurter. Felix had 5 brothers and sisters Otto (1879-1961), Felix (1880-1957), Paul (1884-?), Ella, (1892-?), and Estelle (1895- 1997). In 1894 the family immigrated and settled in New York City. Felix attended City College and Harvard Law School where he later taught. Felix was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1906–1909, and secretary of war under President William Howard Taft 1911–1913. He was a legal adviser to President Woodrow Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Felix married Marion Denman in 1919. He was an active Zionist and helped found the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Felix advised Franklin Roosevelt during his term as governor of New York, and later, as President. In 1939 Felix was appointed to the Supreme Court by Roosevelt. Felix retired in 1962. Felix Frankfurter, age 82, died on February 22, 1965, in Washington D.C.
    Maksim Litvinov was born on July 17, 1876 in Białystok, Russia (now Poland) to a Jewish couple, Moses and Anna Wallach. In 1898, he joined the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party and was arrested in 1901 for revolutionary activity. He was able to escape custody and fled to Great Britain. Over the next decade he was active in Workers Party activities all across Europe. He married Ivy Low in 1915 and they had two children, a son, Misha and a daughter, Tanya. Litvinov returned to Soviet Union in 1917 after the Bolshevik Revolution and was appointed as a diplomatic representative in London. While there he was arrested for engaging in propagandist activities. The British government released him in exchange for a British journalist. Litvinov later joined the Soviet Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. He led the Soviet Delegation to the preparatory commission for the League of Nations’ World Disarmament Conference from 1927-1930. In 1930 he became commissar for Soviet Affairs. He led the Soviet delegation to the World Economic Conference in London and negotiated establishment of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and United States. Litvinov urged the League of Nations to make plans for collective resistance against Germany and negotiated anti-German treaties with France and Czechoslovakia. In 1939 he was relieved of his position, which enabled the Soviet Union to negotiate and sign the German-Soviet Treaty of Nonaggression. From 1941-1943, Litvinov was appointed ambassador to the United States, and then as deputy commissar for foreign affairs until his retirement in 1946. Maksim Litvinov, aged 75, died in 1951, in Moscow.
    Leslie Hore-Belisha was born on September 7, 1893 in London, England to a Sephardic Jewish couple, Jacob and Elizabeth Miriam Miers Belisha. He served in the British army during World War I. In 1923 Leslie was elected to Parliament. In 1934 he was appointed Minister of Transport. He reformed the Highway Code, and improved laws for driver and pedestrian safety. In 1937, Neville Chamberlain appointed Leslie as Secretary of State for War. In this position, he instituted many reforms such as easier promotion from the ranks to the officer corps and the appointment of relatively young generals along with quick retirement for those who were older. These new changes antagonized many of the senior army officers and Chamberlain removed him from office in 1940. In 1944, Leslie married Cynthia Elliot. In 1945 Leslie lost his bid for reelection to the Parliament. Leslie Hore-Belish, aged 63, died on February 16, 1957.
    Walther Rathenau was born on September 29, 1867 in Berlin, Prussia to a wealthy Jewish couple, Emile and Mathilde Nachmann Rathenau. Emile was the founder of Allgemeine-Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) which installed Germany’s first electric power system. Walther had a brother, Erich, and a sister, Edith. Walther studied philosophy, physics, chemistry, and engineering and received his doctorate in 1889. He held several executive positions in AEG, and at the outbreak of World War I he was head of the company. Walther headed the newly formed War Raw Materials Department in the War Ministry during the war. In 1921 he served as minister of reconstruction and in 1922 as foreign minister, negotiating the Treaty of Rapallo with the Soviet Union. Walther Rathenau was assassinated on June 24, 1922, he was 54.
    Kurt Eisner was born on May 14, 1867 in Berlin, Prussia (now Germany) to a Jewish couple, Emanuel and Hedwig Levenstein Eisner. Kurt had 5 brothers and sisters, Hugo (1858-?), Ludwig (1860-?), Paul (1864-1869), Jenny (1870-1874), and Martha (1872-1907). Kurt studied literature and philosophy at the University of Marburg. He worked as a journalist for the Frankfurter Zeitung and was the editor of the official paper of the Social Democratic Party, Vorwärts. Eisner opposed Germany’s aid to Austria-Hungary against Serbia in World War I. In 1918 he was arrested for leading a strike and was released shortly after. In November, he organized a revolution that overthrew the Bavarian monarchy and proclaimed the Bavarian Republic. He became the first prime minister and minister of foreign affairs. On February 21, 1919, Kurt Eisner was assassinated in Munich, he was 51.

    Physical Details

    Physical Description
    Offset lithograph poster with a yellow background and narrow border printed on white, medium weight paper. In the center, it features 2 paragraphs of German text in bold, black font quoting from a speech. The text is bookended by large, bold opening and closing lines. To either side is a column of 3 black and white photographic headshots with captions identifying each man as a Jew and by name. The back lower left edge has a torn scrap of paper adhered to it. See record 1990.41.16 for another copy of this poster.
    overall: Height: 33.125 inches (84.138 cm) | Width: 47.250 inches (120.015 cm)
    overall : paper, ink, adhesive
    back, piece of paper, bottom left, printed, black ink : Ausgabe A / Die Parole Der Wo / Parteiamtliche Wandzeitung der NS / Folge 22 / 27. M / Dezugspreias monatlich RM. - . / Grscheint wdchentlich einmal / Dostbersanbort Münche [Issue A / The Slogan The Wo / Party official eall newspaper of the NS / Episode 22 / 27.M / Deportation charges monthly RM. - . / It grows once a week / Dostbersanbort Münche]

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    No restrictions on access
    Conditions on Use
    No restrictions on use

    Keywords & Subjects

    Corporate Name
    Nazi Party

    Administrative Notes

    The poster was acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1999.
    Funding Note
    The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
    Record last modified:
    2024-10-03 10:58:35
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