- Brief Narrative
- Child's rosary given to 7 year old Selma Scwarzwald in January 1945 in celebration of her communion. She was living in hiding with her mother as a Polish Catholic under the name Zofia Tymejko and completely adopted this identity. She attended church and, after liberation by Soviet troops, celebrated her First Communion. Selma and her mother, Laura, escaped from the ghetto in German occupied Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine) after her father was shot by the Gestapo in 1942. They adopted false identities as Catholics and lived briefly in Krakow, then moved to Busko Zdroj. They emigrated to England in 1948 after there were violent anti-Jewish riots in the area. That was when Zofia learned that she was Jewish; news that shocked her after her upbringing in an antisemitic environment where she had been taught to hate Jews.
- Date
1945 January
- Geography
Busko-Zdroj (Poland)
- Credit Line
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of Sophie Turner-Zaretsky
- Contributor
Sophie Turner-Zaretsky
- Biography
Selma Schwarzwald was born on September 2, 1937, in Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine), to Daniel and Laura Litwak Schwarzwald. Her father had a successful timber export business. Her mother had studied economics at the Lvov Academy of Commerce before her marriage. Lvov was in eastern Poland which was occupied by the Soviet Union in September 1939. It was then occupied by Germany following their invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.
Daniel obtained a job as a guard in a hostel for Organization Todt construction workers, a Nazi civil and military engineering group. His work permit provided a little protection for the family, but in November 1941, they were forced into the Lvov ghetto, along with Laura's parents, Josef and Mina Litwak, and three of her siblings, Emanuel, Adela, and Fryda. Her brother, Edek, had emigrated in the early 1930s to Palestine, where he died of typhus in 1935. In March 1942, the Germans began to deport ghetto residents to the Belzec killing center. Laura watched the deportations from their apartment and one day, a Polish woman suggested that Laura and Selma should flee and seek refuge in a nearby Polish resort town. She supplied them with a Christian Bible and prayer book to give them cover.
In August, Selma’s grandparents were deported to Belzec. By this time, the ghetto was nearly empty. Daniel worked to secure false documents for then, but with the deportations so frequent, a hiding place was arranged for Laura and Selma. They hid in a platform under the roof of an adjacent house. Laura had to throw Sophie across an airshaft to someone who would catch her on the other side; then Laura would jump across. Daniel obtained a birth certificate for Selma and a marriage document for Laura. He also obtained false papers for Adela and Fryda. On September 1, Daniel went to the Judenrat [Jewish Council] to make different living arrangements. But while he was there, the Gestapo arrived to arrest the entire membership of the Council in reprisal of the death of a German soldier. Daniel tried to escape by jumping out the window, but he was caught and hanged. The Judenrat members were rounded up and hanged. The three Litwak siblings decided that Laura and Selma would be the first to escape and they left on September 6. With the assistance of a Pole, who subsequently stole their luggage, Laura and Selma boarded a train for Krakow. Adela and Fryda managed to reach Krakow soon afterwards, but Emanuel was arrested at the Lvov train station and later hanged.
Laura and Selma were living under the aliases of Bronislawa and Zofia Tymejko. Selma (Zofia) had blue eyes and blonde hair, so people were not likely to think that she was Jewish. They moved constantly as Laura was afraid the SS would find them. While her mother looked for work, Selma had to stay with an old woman who made her pick up cigarette stubs in the street. Her mother taught five year old Selma to tell people that her father had been taken by the Russian Army. Laura managed to get a job in a German bank, but she and Selma soon left for the resort town of Busko Zdroj. In a resort town people were used to seeing strangers and it was more common for people to come there in search of work. Laura was hired by an SS officer named Leming to be a bookkeeper at the Regional Agricultural Mercantile Cooperative; she also worked for him as a translator and housekeeper. Later, she tutored Polish children in German and Latin, though this was illegal. She and Selma lived in a small rented room with a kitchen. Laura's sister, Adela, joined them in December 1944, after working for two years as a governess in Krakow. Her other sister, Fryda, briefly worked in a pharmacy in Bochnia, fled from an abusive German, and ended up in slave labor in Gelsenkirchen.
Selma completely adopted her Polish Catholic identity. She attended church and, after liberation by Soviet troops in January 1945, celebrated her First Communion. When the war ended in May 1945, they remained in Busko Zdroj. They learned that Fryda had been killed in the summer of 1944, when her forced labor group in Gelsenkirchen was hit during an Allied bombing raid.
After a violent anti-Jewish pogrom in Kielce, Laura decided that they must leave Poland and contacted Max Schaerf in New York. Laura wanted to immigrate to the United States, but the Polish quota made that difficult. Max Schaerf put her in touch with Rosa and Emil Honig, her aunt and uncle in London, who helped to arrange their move to England. It was not until they arrived in London in 1948 that Laura revealed to Selma her true identity as a Jew. The news shocked her; in the antisemitic environment of her Catholic school and neighborhood where she had grown up, she had been taught to hate Jews. Soon after settling in England, Laura took the last name of Turner, and Selma became Sophie Turner. Sophie finished high school and continued on to college and medical school in England. In 1963, she immigrated to the US, where she completed her medical residency and began a career as a radiation oncologist in New York. In 1970, she married David Zaretsky. After several years in England, Laura moved to Canada to be with her sister Adela, now Ann Rozycki; she then went to the US to be with Sophie. Laura died in New York on January 16, 2002.
Physical Details
- Classification
Christian Art and Symbolism
- Category
Devotional objects
- Object Type
Rosary (lcsh)
- Physical Description
- Child's rosary made of metal chain with plastic beads intertwined.
- Dimensions
- overall: Height: 12.750 inches (32.385 cm) | Width: 0.450 inches (1.143 cm)
- Materials
- overall : metal, aluminum, plastic
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- No restrictions on access
- Conditions on Use
- No restrictions on use
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- The rosary was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1992 by Sophie Zaretsky.
- Record last modified:
- 2025-01-02 11:27:59
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn7137
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Also in Sophie Turner-Zaretsky collection
The collection consists of a rosary, St. Anthony statuette, bible, and a doll's suitcase relating to the experiences of Laura and Selma (Zofia) Schwarzwald in Lvov and other areas of Poland where they lived in hiding under assumed indentites as Catholics during and after the Holocaust.
Date: 1945-1948
St. Anthony statuette received by a Jewish child who was living in hiding as a Polish Catholic
St. Anthony figurine given to 7 year old Selma Scwarzwald. She was living in hiding with her mother as a Polish Catholic under the name Zofia Tymejko and completely adopted this identity. She attended church and, after liberation by Soviet troops, celebrated her First Communion. Selma and her mother, Laura, escaped from the ghetto in German occupied Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine) after her father was shot by the Gestapo in 1942. They adopted false identities as Catholics and lived briefly in Krakow, then moved to Busko Zdroj. They emigrated to England in 1948 after there were violent anti-Jewish riots in the area. That was when Zofia learned that she was Jewish; news that shocked her after her upbringing in an antisemitic environment where she had been taught to hate Jews.
Catholic bible given to 7 year old Selma (Zofia) Scwarzwald in January 1945 in celebration of her communion. It was a deluxe edition with a color picture on the cover. Selma, born Jewish, was living in hiding with her mother as a Polish Catholic under the name Zofia Tymejko and completely adopted this identity. She attended church and, after liberation by Soviet troops, celebrated her First Communion. Selma and her mother, Laura, escaped from the ghetto in German occupied Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine) after her father was shot by the Gestapo in 1942. They adopted false identities as Catholics and lived briefly in Krakow, then moved to Busko Zdroj. They emigrated to England in 1948 after there were violent anti-Jewish riots in the area. That was when Zofia learned that she was Jewish; news that shocked her after her upbringing in an antisemitic environment where she had been taught to hate Jews.
Miniature doll's suitcase given postwar to Jewish child who had lived in hiding as a Polish Catholic
Doll's miniature suitcase given to 10 year old Selma (Zofia) Scwarzwald before she left Poland in 1948. Selma, born Jewish, had lived during the war in hiding with her mother as a Polish Catholic under the name Zofia Tymejko and completely adopted this identity. She attended church and, after liberation by Soviet troops, celebrated her First Communion in January 1945. Selma and her mother, Laura, had escaped from the ghetto in German occupied Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine) in 1942 after her father was shot by the Gestapo. They adopted false identities as Catholics and lived briefly in Krakow, then moved to Busko Zdroj. They emigrated to England in 1948 after violent anti-Jewish riots in the area. That was when Zofia learned that she was Jewish; news that shocked her after her upbringing in an antisemitic environment where she had been taught to hate Jews.