- Description
- WIth titles in Hungarian. “I.RÉSZ” with picture of a violin and a lever-action rifle. “AMI NEM MINDENKINEK SIKERÜL”. “A78-IK SZÜLETÉSNAP” An older woman looks at the camera, smiles, and talks. “ACSALÁD” CU, 3 playing cards - a jack, a king, and (what looks to be) a joker. INT, Laszlo Pető in the middle of two men playing cards, with 1 man standing in the BG. “ÖSSZES AOLU SŬLI ULSIMO” They play cards. Women, including older sister of Gyorgy, Rózsa Pető, and Zseni Krausz, sit at a table, eating and talking.
01:48 “II. RÉSZ” “AMI NEM MINDENKINEK SIKERÜL” “A33-IK SZÜLETÉSNAP” “MEGÉRTE, MEGÍRTA…” “FOTOGRAFÁLTA ÉS IGEN SZELLEMES FELIRATOKKAL ELLATTA:” “?” Man lies down on a bed and is reading a book titled “Chamberlain a felelos” with the author’s name being obscured by the man’s hand. “AHABORUERT ALLITILOAG” CU, book. “APOCSEK RAJZOKERT PEDIG” Man looks at the camera rather menacingly and smiles before cutting to a CU of an invitation to F.F. Haver for dinner on Saturday evening (December 16, 1939) at the home of PETÓ GYÖRGY in Szeged. Personalized menu card. 5 bottles of liquor on a shelf with cigarette boxes. Animation: “HALLÓ HALLÓ RÁDIÓ SZEGED DEAK F.U.4.SZ RÖVID HÍREK:” “SZAKAVATOTT TRÉNER AZ ÖSSZES KAVÉHAZI SPORTOKRA KITANITJA CIM: SZÁNTÓGÁBOR AGYALA-GYULA” The group of Peto’s friends and family look at camera and laugh; one of the men is in a woman’s dress. Peto at far left of group. “RÓKAVADÁSZATRA CSAK DOMANT HÍVJA AJÁMLATOK: “BIZTOS ELHIBÁZZA” JELIGÉRE”. The group laughs and chats. “SÁRGARIGÓ DARÁRSFÉSZEK ADDIG ESZIK MÍG NEM RÉSZEG E SZOKÁSA BARMI FURA SOKÁ ÉLJEN: BRUCKNER PURA”. The group poses for the camera, laughing, drinking, eating around a table. “EZ MEG A KÉT SZOBACICA EGYIK: ICA MÁSIK: CILS” Two maids provide service and the group has a jolly time. “LÁNYOK, FIGYELEM!!! HOGYAN KELL JÓL FÉRJHEZMENNI? BIRZTOS TIPPEK: VARGATIBORNE-NÁL” “TÁVIRAT VARGA TIBORNE SZEGED TIPP KITUNOE CILA” MS, the two maids. The cross-dressed man dances with another. “MINDENKI ÉRZI SZÜKSÉGÉT” “LATNI MÁR E FILMMEK VÉGÉT AKINEK VAN 2 TENYERE TAPSOLJON HÚT, EGYE FINE”. Peto stands against a wall, bowing and giving thanks to an imaginary audience. Kodak Safety Film logo.
06:25 “1940. Januar” “BEHAVAZOTT SZEGEDI UCCÁK”. Snow-filled street with people walking. Szeged city covered in snow, people walking around, and a horse-drawn carriage. Icy river, bridge, snow-covered bench in the park. Horse-drawn sleds travel on streets. Sign on building: “STOP: Taxi Allomàs 33-33” sign. Aunt Rose (or Mother Lili Wolf) drags Janos Peto on a sled. “MÉG GYENGÉN MÉGY A HÓGOLYOZÁS” Mom throws a snowball at the camera while Janos starts to gather snow together and throw it too. “OTTHON BARÁTSÁGOSABB A HELYZET” Janos plays with a model train set indoors. CU, he smiles. Zseni Krausz (grandmother), smiling, talking, and looking at the camera. “KEDÉLYES VADÁSZAT A BAKTÓ-BAN” “RÉSZTVETTEK A SZILFIA SUGÁR, HORVÁTH BOMBULI, A FÖRPE WELLISZ ZIVESSY SZUSZOG (MÉLTÓSÁGAS!!), DOMÁN, A HIRES. RÓKAVADÁSZ, KERSEH FERI, AZ Ö 120 KILÓJÁVAL, OSVÁTH LACI, NEVES ANTILKOHOLISTA ÉS PETHÖ GYÖRGY AKI A LEGTÖBB NYUKAT LÖTTE” “SZÁNKÁNKÁS UTTALAN UTAKON”. Shots from POV of riding in a horse-drawn carriage. “JŐNNEK A HAJTÓK!” Pan across snow-filled field. People riding in the horse-drawn carriage, they wave at the camera. The large group lines up in the field. CUs of some of the men. They shoot at a rabbit. Camera chases the rabbit. Hunters in the field. “HAJTÁS UTÁN: NAGY MESEMONDÁS.” CUs of the hunters, talking and smoking. “ESETT: 45 nyul.” “HANYATT ESETT: SZIVESSY ÉS DOMÁN.” They caught 45 rabbits. Film ends with the hunters jokingly falling down in the snow and laughing. Film ends 10:49. - Duration
- 00:10:52
- Date
December 1939 to January 1940
- Locale
- Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Dr. Katalin Pető
- Contributor
Camera Operator:
György Pető
- Biography
György Pető (Dec 20, 1906-1971) was a talented violin player, photographer, and class lottery businessman in the southern Hungarian city of Szeged. He began making 8mm films in 1938. Pető was first in a Jewish forced labor company in Kiszombor in 1940. After returning home, Pető married Eva Lengyel (d. 1970) on September 8, 1941. They had a son, András, on October 3, 1943. Pető was again transported to the Ukraine with another forced labor batallion, where he was captured, and imprisoned in a Soviet POW camp near Zaporozje. He escaped somehow and returned to Szeged. The Jews from Szeged, including Eva, baby András, and many Lengyel family members, were deported during the summer of 1944. They were transported to Strasshof and later to Neunkirchen (Austria) where baby András and Eva's mother and father died. Pető’s mother Zseni was killed at Auschwitz. His brother László died. Eva returned to Szeged in 1945; Pető followed one month later. In 1946, Eva and György had a second child, Katalin Pető. When all of Pető’s property was confiscated by the communist regime in Hungary in 1949, he escaped with his family to the city of Budapest where he established himself as viola player in the Budapest Operetta Theater.
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- You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
- Copyright
- Dr. Katalin Pető
- Conditions on Use
- The Museum does not own the copyright for this material and does not have authority to authorize third party use. For permission, please contact the rights holder, Dr. Katalin Pető.
- Copyright Holder
- Dr. Katalin Pető
Keywords & Subjects
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- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Film Provenance
- Dr. Katalin Pető authorized the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to make high-resolution digital scans of the original 8mm films in February 2019. The transfers were completed at the Austrian Filmmuseum in Vienna. Dr. Pető donated digital copies of the 33 films to the Museum's Spielberg Fillm Archive in October 2019.
- Copied From
- 8mm Agfa at 24fps
- Film Source
- Dr. Katalin Pető
- File Number
- Source Archive Number: Reel 9
- Special Collection
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive
- Record last modified:
- 2024-02-21 07:55:54
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- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn718435
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Also in György Pető Film Collection
Thirty-three 8mm films by György Pető, a talented violin player, photographer, and class lottery businessman in the southern Hungarian city of Szeged. He began making 8mm films in 1938, including coverage of family life, leisure, and work, such as the lottery business and labor with the Jewish labor company 252/2 in Fall 1940. The films continue to document life after the Holocaust until 1965. Some of Pető's films formed the basis for the documentary film "Free Fall" by avant garde filmmaker Péter Forgács.
Date: 1938-1965
Pető prepares a film of the Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Hungary in fall 1940
Agfa 8 logo. Hungarian titles throughout. Short prologue film: “Kedves Barátom” (Dear friend,). Text of a letter that Győrgy wrote, ends with his signature. INT doorway, dimly lit, as Győrgy enters through the doorway. CU table, he puts down several items: a box with “E.K. Co. Rochester, NY” (E.K. for Eastman Kodak), two boxes with lightbulbs in them, a box that says “Eumig Klebepresse” on it (Eumig is an Austrian electronics manufacturer, Klebepresse is a splicer), and a camera case. He opens the box with the splicer. He cranks a home movie camera as he leans in to look through it. [Negative images] Street, with a person on a bike riding down the sidewalk]. Győrgy , who moves the camera a little from left to right, while still looking through it. [Another negative shot] Horse-drawn buggy on the streets. Győrgy turns the camera to his right. He sits in front of a film editor. He opens a film canister to reveal an 8mm film reel, which he threads through the machine. After attaching an empty reel to the other end of the editing device, he takes a drag from a cigarette, and puts the cigarette in an ashtray, as he continues to thread the film. MS Győrgy , stand next to a film projector. A series of cuts showing him putting the film reel on the projector, and setting up an empty reel on the other end of the projector. The lights go out around him as he adjusts with the focus on the projector. The main film of the Jewish Labor Company 252/2 begins as letters gradually spell out the word “Emléklap Átosok” over two shovels and a circle made of barbed wire. “Egy pár derűs pillanat a Kiszombori zsidó munkásszázad életéből” “Fotografálta: Pető Győrgy ” “A feliratokat rajzolta” “A felvételek 1940 Szept. utolsó és Okt. első Napjaiban Készültek.” (Recorded last days of September and first days of October 1940). “Személyek” (in typefont) listing officers, sergeants, and crew -- the names of individuals in the Jewish labor company 252/2 at Kiszombor. There were over 200 members of the company. “A század Tanyája: Grand Hotel ‘Selmeczi’” with drawing of a hotel bellhop. 03:15 Sign on a brick wall: “M.KIR.252/ Táborizsidó -Munás Század- Század Szállás”. EXT of Selmeczy’s mill, a steam powered mill on the outskirts of Kiszombor. 03:25 MS three men in military uniform standing in front of the mill, talking with each other. “Hajnali Sorakozó” 15 workers lined up on a cobblestone street standing before a military officer. “Kivonulas” Around 200 men, each one holding a shovel, walking away from the building, as their superior officers look on. A different angle, this time showing the long line of workers in the Jewish labor company marching down a dirt road, each one wearing a (white?) armband. Another shot of the column of men, this time from a different angle, allowing us to see the mill in the background. 03:52 Photographer Bela Liebmann standing directly behind the man smiling and waving at the camera. Several more shots of the workers marching, in smaller groups. 04:36 Title with a drawing of a shovel: “A munkahelyen”. A group of men are digging a long ditch, which is already mostly full of water (they are digging an irrigation ditch from the Mures river). On the left side of the ditch is a row of houses, and on the other side are some trees. A series of shots from different angles show the men working on the irrigation ditch, as overseers look on. 05:13 MCU of a balding man in a white shirt named Endre “Bandi” Kardos, a good friend of Pető . Two men pretend to whip him into action. The men continue to work on the ditch. CUs, older officer. Another officer climbs into a buggy with driver and horse; and a second soldier joins him before they depart. “Felvételezők munkában” Three workers haul a small wheelbarrow (they are smiling). “Utban makó felé” Men and bicycles in a buggy move along a dirt road. Two workers collect bread in a basket. The parked buggy. “A 100-ad fürdőszobája.” A man “bathes” outdoors from a communal spigot; another man fills a canteen with water. “Mellékhelyiség egyéb.” Outdoor latrine in a corn field. “Vége az I. résznek” Film ends 07:39
Eva and Győrgy [very brief]
Eva walks out onto a patio and looks at the camera. MS, she is on the balcony, fixing her hair. She approaches the camera, as exposure starts to increase. Cut to a brief shot of Győrgy Pető. Film ends 00:12
Famous soccer clubs prewar; snowy Szeged; sightseeing
Soccer matches before the Holocaust at the stadium in Szeged, including Lajos Baróthy and Ferenc Langfelder. 01:30 Postwar, woman and toddler Kati Pető (born 1946) leave their home for a sleigh ride in the snowy city sidewalks. Touring ruins (color) in Athens, Operetta theater, postwar 1960s. Film ends 02:49
Advertisement for Pető lottery shop
Hungarian titles throughout. Lottery prize winners selected. INTs, men seated at a table, talking. “A huzás vezetője engedélyt ad a huzás megkezdésére.” Man in a suit removes tag from a wheel. “Összekeverik a szerencsekerékben levő számokat.” Spinning wheel. “Kezdődik…A húzásnál két árvalány segédkezik.” Two girls make the pulls and pass the papers to the men at the table. “Minden számot és nyereményt hangosan kikiáltanak.” Men review the notes and prepare to announce the winners. Seated crowd. “A napilapok tudósítói lázasan úják a 'gyorslistát'.” Women (newspaper correspondents) record the prize winning numbers on sheets of paper. “A huzás a vége felé közeledik.....” Man announces numbers. “Már csak 10 szám van a kerékben…” Woman continues to pull and hand papers to the men seated at the table. 02:15 “A közönség is izgatottan figyel!!” The audience. A couple excitedly review their numbers. The girls make a record. Another couple awaits the remaining numbers. “Már csak 5…” More shots of the audience. “Most következik az utolsó szám!” Men at the table, the spinning wheel, the excited audience. “A 43.835 szám nyert 300.000.- forintot!” Man announces the grand prize winner. “A főhuzásnak vége, de már kezdődik az új!” 03:23 “Szerencsés lesz, ha Pető-nél sorsjegyet vesz!” The Pető lottery shop with customers entering and exiting the shop, LS of the shop from across the street. Scoreboard. Soccer match. “Vegyen osztálysorsjegyet Pető-nél!” Title text encourages viewers to buy a class lottery ticket at Pető . “Szerencsés lesz, ha Pető-nél sorsjegyet vesz!” “Vegyen osztálysorsjegyet Pető-nél!” Film ends 04:42
Family activities before the Holocaust in Szeged, Hungary
AGFA 8 logo. (color) Man walks through gate into his garden. Fade. Pető and Lengyel family members follow. Fade. Marika and János pose, flowers. He skips, Marika chases him. 01:38. Street scenes in Szeged, woman pushes carriage over cobbled sidewalk. 01:48 Pető walks towards the camera. He takes off his coat and sits on a white bench in Mora Park in Szeged. Man in uniform walks a dog. Pető smokes a cigarette. Boat in river. Smoke from factory across the river. Pető leans against wall, looking out over the river. 03:12 (black and white) CU, grass. Boy with father and farmer walk through crops outdoors. 03:26 Women dining outdoors in Szeged, on left, Zseni Krausz, the mother of Győrgy Pető (who died in Auschwitz) with her daughter Rózsi Pető (sister of Győrgy Pető) in checkered dress. János rides on a tricycle outdoors in a park. CUs, he smiles. Outdoor restaurant in Szeged, groups dine and drink at tables. 05:15 Endre Kardos, a good friend of Pető, in Szeged. Man in uniform at one of the tables. János rides his bicycle. Hunting in fields. Family group. 06:40 Walking along a snowy path, CUs of a group of people. Snow-covered park in Szeged, light-post, deer. 08:09 INTs, Lajos Lengyel, father of Győrgy Pető (died in Sopron when he returned from concentration camp and was shot), smoking. Rózsi talking and laughing, also indoors. VAR CUs, indoors, the group joking around, laughing, eating. 09:11 Table is set, man opens bottle of champagne, and they toast (including Pető standing at 10:15). 10:30 The family enjoys a meal outdoors, includes Zseni, Roszi, and Lajos. Lajos and a woman walk towards the camera in the garden at their home in Szeged. Zseni waters the plants with a hose. At the river, man teaches János how to swim. Woman dives into the water from the pier, some shots in slow-motion. Pető dives into the water. Film ends 13:36
Prewar leisure activities in Szeged
Kodak Safety Film logo. Title card: “Most Ugrik A Majom A Vizbe - és más bohóságok”. More titles in Hungarian throughout the reel, some humorous, some identifying individual people, presumably appearing in the following sequences. Man plays tennis. He sits in a dimly lit room, speaking. Large sports field, spectators gather in the stands. Man dives in water. 01:55 Pető checks the water temperature. Reverse shots. Filming from behind the steering wheel in a moving vehicle. Nice close shots of seated spectators. Soccer team. Men boating and fishing. Farmers moving bales of hay with horse-drawn carriages. CU, Endre Kardos, good friend of Pető, drives motorboat. 04:54 Kardos and other men arrive in Szeged city and get out of a vehicle, they drink coffee, read newspapers. Sign: “Pető Sorsjegy” shop and storefront with advertisements. INTs, class lottery business, customers. Marika, the niece of Pető, and János, the nephew of Pető, exit their apartment in Szeged, with their nanny. Toddler János pushes a carriage. Marika walks along the streets with her aunt Rózsa Pető (older sister of Gyorgy), they pass in front of the lottery shop. More street scenes with the children. János relieves himself outdoors. Boy poses with Aunt Rose for camera. Film ends 08:26
Pető family in summer 1939
Kodak Safety film logo. Hungarian titles throughout. “1939. nyara” “Jancsi 3 éves.” János plays with a tricycle. János and Marika with their grandmother, Zseni Krausz (she died in Auschwitz). They visit a park and look at the river. Men play tennis. Nice close shots of the family and friends at leisure in summer, swimming, drinking, eating cake. Includes shots of Pető and his good friend Endre Kardos, among others. The young people in tennis outfits joke and play wrestle in the city. Two men change a flat tire. Tennis match with spectators. 06:09 Workers repair the roadways. Streetcar and other city traffic. Men on scaffolding repair a building. Church. A newly married couple exits the official registration building, celebrated by friends. They celebrate at an outdoor cafe. 07:40 “Excursions to Tisza”. Boating on the Tisza river. Man in bathing suit and cap swims and lights a cigarette. Woman in sunglasses, speaks to the cameraman. They eat a meal outdoors. River, steamship. Farmers on country road. Church, village women. CU, child. The young friends of Pető on a small motorboat, wave and smile for the camera, rest on blankets 10:41 Sailing. Siófok on Lake Baloton. Pier filled with beach-goers in swimwear and people swimming in the lake. Pető and friends. Water slide. Ferry/boat ride. Sunset. Film ends 12:31
Family poses in blooming garden and eats a meal
AGFA 8. János and Marika Pető with their aunt Rose, playing in the garden, flowering bushes, probably in Summer 1940. CUs as János smells the flowers. Family group sits at an outdoor restaurant, nice CUs. Film ends 01:00
Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Kiszombor (continued) and Királyhegyes
Agfa 8 logo. Part two of Pető ’s film of the Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Kiszombor, Hungary from September to October 1940. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy pár derűs pillanat a Kiszombori zsidó munkásszázad életéből” “II. Resz” Title written on a stylized pillow: “Piheno” INTs, barracks with mattresses on the ground and coats hanging along the walls, men chatting with armbands. In streets, two men (one in uniform) speaking, others gathered around, man rides bicycle. Closer shots of five workers with armbands standing in a line, some smiling. Man in sunlight laying on bed indoors, eating. 00:45 “A betegeket könnyű szolgálatra oszják be…” Group of men cut logs. “Szakácsok munkában.” Sign on building: Konyha. Crouched on the ground, men prepare/wash vegetables in a bowl. Others roast a pig. “Ebédosztás” Officers in uniform, checking papers. Canteen line - distributing steaming soup to the workers, long shot of the men circling the pot of food, some sit and eat on the grass, corn fields, CUs. 02:28 “Vasárnapi foglalkozás” Overview shot of Jewish workers sweeping. CUs, officers in uniform, saluting cameraman. “Menetgyakorlatok” A large group of workers march along the dirt road, responding with different formations according to the officer on the left calling them. HAS, the entire company marches on the dirt road, following the four Hungarian soldiers seen earlier. Different angles of the group with armbands marching. Some local boys lean against the barracks, watching the activity unfold. “Haragszik az örmester úr!” [The Sergeant is Angry!] Man in uniform with whip yells at four workers (this is clearly staged for the camera as the men smile and laugh). The two boys can be seen in the BG. More of the workers marching. “Tagozott menet.” They march again, in slow-motion. “Egy szakasz a királyhegyesi uradalomban dolgozik” Moving shots from the buggy along the road in order for some members of the Jewish labor company to work on a farming estate in Királyhegyes. Two signs reading “Királyhegyes 13 km.” and “Közben 9 km. földút”. Ducks. Sign reading: “III Orsz.Jármű ” Buggy parked on grounds of estate. Circular pan of farming estate with several buildings. Hungarian soldiers get into the buggy. CU, soldier in uniform. Horses run. Other farming activities, threshing and moving huge piles of hay. “Vegeo” Film ends 07:58
András Pető is born
Éva is pregnant with András. Éva and György’s first child was born on October 3, 1943, and he was killed in a concentration camp. Reel shows the first few months of András, bathing, eating, playing, tummy-time, bundled up outdoors. Eva holds Andras and pushes him in a carriage in town. Film ends 02:59
Eva and Győrgy with baby András
Mother Eva plays with baby András. CUs, András. Baby plays with various teddy bears and toys. EXT, apartment in Szeged, Győrgy walks out holding the baby. He walks up to the camera and starts to rock the baby (repeats). András in a basket on a sidewalk. Eva picks him up, coddling him and posing. They both look happy and smile. Pető bounces baby András in his arms, both smile. Eva stands over the baby in a basket, playing with András. Film ends 02:30
Dancing; young people relaxing by the river in swimsuits
INTs, dancing couples including Győrgy at 01:26 (could be postwar 1945 or 1946). 01:28 Outdoors by the river (prewar summer), includes Bandi Kardos who perished in Holocaust. A man photographs a young woman lying on a boat. A different couple lounges in the grass. Woman in bikini puts on makeup as the man continues to photograph her. The group of young friends joke around on the riverside beach, CUs. HAS, they relax in chairs on a pier. Film ends 03:02
Short film about Eva and György; Jewish wedding in Szeged
Hungarian titles throughout. Stylized title for filmmaker: Pető György. “1940 - ben Kezdődött…” MS of two women (the one on the left is Eva) and a man sitting on a concrete slab smoking, and György on left, with the old Belvárosi bridge being seen in the BG. He greets the three before turning to look at the camera. A couple walks up a set of stairs next to the riverbank in Szeged (repeat). MCU of woman in dark patterned dress, smiling and talking to somebody off camera. The four reach the top of the stairs, where the car is parked, with the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas being seen in the BG. “Autóbusszal Ujszegedre” Bus full of people driving down the street. POV shots of riding in the bus, with scenery going by, pedestrians, and cars, then lingers on a church. “Gyakorlati utasítás kezdő menyasszonyok részére (kukoricasütés)”. Győrgy and women around a fire, cooking corn. MCU of Mrs. Peto in the garden in Szeged carrying two pails and watering the plants. 02:21 “Kirándulások a Tiszán” (color) Eva climbs down a flight of stairs. Ship (Verecke) traveling down a waterway, lowering smokestack to pass under the bridge. The couples in swimming attire, standing on docks, preparing little motorboats. They shove off and the action follows them in the water. Eva in a red swimsuit walks along the dock and suns herself. She talks to someone off camera. Shadows of the new couple in the water. 03:51 (black and white) Friends in the boat, traveling along the waterway. Man and woman in a rowboat. Child runs, woman runs across the sandy beach and back to the boat, giving the man in the boat a kiss. Women (including Eva) on the beach, smiling, laughing, and talking. Busy beachfront with ships passing on the river. Man smiles and laughs. 05:35 Eva and Győrgy pose for the camera. Shots from the POV of the small boat on the water. “Előkészület a kerékpáros világbajnokságra”. Janos and his mother walk out of a gate with a bicycle, and they ride along the road. “A favorit titkos tréningje.” Eva struggles to ride the bike, crashing many times before getting the hang of it. “gyorsasági verseny.” Slow motion shot of Eva riding the bike. “utólérhetetlen mutatvány.” Again, Eva on the bicycle, in reverse. “A példa ragadós” Győrgy pretends to struggle riding his bike. 08:20 “a tragédia 1941. Szept. 18.-án következett be” The wedding of Győrgy and Eva on September 18, 1941. They get out of a car, and proceed to walk inside the synagogue in Szeged. INTs, dark room, Győrgy is sitting in a chair, another man comes up and they exchange something. Eva and Győrgy exit the synagogue with their friends and family, and pose for a photograph. CUs of the group, smiling and happy. Eva holds a bouquet of flowers. “Klinikai látogatás”. Sitting for a family portrait with elderly relatives “Vége az I. Résznek”. Film ends 09:21.
Part 2 of short film about Eva and György; honeymoon in Budapest
Opening title card in Hungarian handwriting (too dark to read). “Egy Ember tragédiája 2 felvonításban.” “II. rész.” “Nászút: Budapest.” Eva and Győrgy travel to Budapest on their honeymoon. “Kirándulás a Gellért Hegyre esa Hárshegyre” Eva walks up a flight of stairs, establishing shots of Budapest, then Győrgy and two others walk around a park, steamship, and what seems to be an excavation site. “Emléklap Átosok.” Men do some work at the site. “Önkéntes munkaszolgálat.” Győrgy and the two friends also begin to work, shoveling dirt. They get into a car. “Margitsziget. (Palatinus.).” Flowers. Eva poses in the sun. “Nagyba megy á rongyszedés.” Still life in progress, the woman sits down to read a book and smoke. Animals. Eva walks along the path and feeds a peacock. Scenes from the zoo. “Allatkert” Different animals at the zoo. 07:08 “Svábhegy.” (color) Shots of the city of Budapest from a tram/chairlift to Gellért Hill. Eva walks along a path. She poses for the camera a bit. Pető walks to a bench, sets his stuff down, sits and smokes. CUs of Eva, she gestures to Győrgy behind the camera, and smiles. [very quick title: “Csaladi arcképcsarnok“ perhaps intended for Film ID 4440.] “Vegeo” Film ends 08:28
Janika's Sunday (May 1940)
Kodak safety film logo. Hungarian titles throughout. Title card with drawing of a child on a rocking horse “Ez a kis film abba a boldog világla visz” “vissza bennünket, amikor még nem vultak… Title card with sketch of an angry man with his hands over his ears and “sem gondjaink”. Stylized picture of a man sitting next to a woman with “sem szenvedélyeink” “a történet nem kitalált mese, hanem megtörtént valúság. Címe” “Janika vasárnapja” “a főszerepben:” János smiles at the camera. “Fotografálta és összevágta: Pető György.” “Történik:” “1940” (trick shots) “Május 26 Vasárnap” Small clock indicates the time 9:00 in the morning. Mrs. Pető opens a door and raíses the curtains, waking the boy up. CUs, János. He slides on a pair of slippers. 10:00 AM János takes a bath. “Hallás gyakorlat” More grooming: cleaning ears, brushing hair and teeth. 11:00 AM He is dressed by his aunt Rose and they go outside for a walk. 05:16 János, dressed in a summer outfit, at the riverside. “most egy nehezell mutatvány követketik” Trick shots of János jumping (in reverse) onto a bench. 12:00 PM He returns to the apartment with his aunt and at 1:00 eats a meal. 3:00 PM CUs, Rose reading paper, János greets her with a big hug and he receives candy. 4:00 PM (color) János rides a tricycle in the garden, beautiful flowers. He smells the roses. 5:00 PM (black and white) They return home. 6:00 PM He rides on the tricycle indoors. 7:00 PM Aunt Rose helps János wash up (hands, face, and ears) and he eats a meal before going to bed at 8:00 PM. Film ends 10:18
Short erotic film starring an unidentified woman
Titles in Hungarian throughout. INTs, an unidentified woman enters an apartment in Szeged. She undresses in the bedroom (additional lighting setup) and runs water for a bath. She takes a bath and returns to the dark bedroom, drying her body. She drinks a shot and climbs under the sheets in the nude, teasing the cameraman. Film ends 03:47
Horthy enters Košice
On November 11, 1938, Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy enters Košice (Kassa), Slovakia, which Hungary regained, along with other Slovak territories, as a result of the Munich Agreement. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy kis világtörténelem.” “1938 November 11” “A Kassai Bevonulás.” “Fotografálta: Pető György.” “A kassai kórhaz bejárata előtt…” Building “Nemocnica” with people milling about. “...két órai alvás után álmosan gyülekezik a társaság.” MS, Pető and friends from Szeged (four men and one officer) stand beside a car. “Ezer és ezer autó érkezik a történelmi napra.” Street scenes with cars, bicycles, guards, and crowds gathering for the historic day. Line of cars driving along the main road, some vehicles decorated, spectators on sidewalk waving white flags, people milling about on the main square. “Diadalkapu Kassa főuccáján.” LS, Hungarian flags hang from “Isten hozott” [welcome] banner over the street, crowds. “Turay Ida, Muráti Lili, a tömegben.” Women in the crowd with flags, including actresses, Ida Turay and Lili Muráti. “Mint verebek a fákon…” Spectators in the trees for a better view. “Százezernyi tömeg áll sorfalat.” More of the huge crowds, storefronts. Troops parade (barely seen behind crowds). “Minden ablak, minden erkély, megeteit.” Decorated balconies and apartment windows, filled with people. Street views of the masses gathered in Košicefor this historic event. Flags. “8 emeletes ház tetején is emberek…” People on the roof of an 8-story building. “11 óra után pár perccel…” “Horthy Miklós kormányzó fehér lovon bevonul Kassára.” 03:11 Just after 11:00, Horthy enters town on a white horse. Flags and hats waving from the crowd. LS, parading along road, huge crowds. Another view of the Isten Kozott banner. Hungarian troops with rifles, some on horses. “A katonaság bevonulása is órákon át tart.” Military continues through town. “Kornyekbeli lanyok es legenyek unnepi viseletben.” CUs, VAR, local people in traditional outfits. 05:20 Pan up, closer view of the “Isten Hozott” gate made with light-bulbs. Locals. Airplanes. Film ends 05:35