- Film Title
Frühling um Wien
- Film Alternate Title
- Spring in Vienna
- Duration
- 00:13:36
- Date
- Locale
- Credit
- Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Österreichisches Filmmuseum
- Contributor
Camera Operator:
Friedrich Apfelthaler
- Biography
Friedrich Apfelthaler (1889-1947): 1910s (amateur) racer and member of the Viennese Automobil-Club; founder of a commercial firm for car tires and car components; marriage with Leopoldine (nee Hackel); one mutual son: Herbert (1925). 1920s ambitious film amateur; member of the Klub der Kinoamateuere Österreichs (DdKÖ). 1947 Friedrich Apfelthaler dies in Vienna
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- Österreichisches Filmmuseum
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- Österreichisches Filmmuseum
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- Permanent Collection
- Film Provenance
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum received a digital copy in 2012 as part of the Ephemeral Films Project.
- Note
- This film is featured in the Ephemeral Films Project: National Socialism in Austria. Watch the historic film through an innovative film player showing contemporary images, geographical mapping, and shot-level analysis at efilms.ushmm.org.
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- 9.5mm transferred at 16fps
- Film Source
- Österreichisches Filmmuseum
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- Source Archive Number: 0901-09-0449
- Special Collection
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- 2024-02-21 08:00:07
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Also in Ephemeral Films: National Socialism in Austria Project Film Collection
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Austrian Film Museum, and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute collaborated in the Ephemeral Films: National Socialism in Austria, a project to fully digitize and annotate unique collections of ephemeral films from the Nazi period in Austria.The fifty films analyzed in this Austrian Future Fund project include unofficial images that depict vibrant prewar Jewish life in Austria, the turmoil of the Nazis taking power, and the persecution of Jews after the Anschluss, including films shot by Americans. Ephemeral films are films with a limited purpose—not meant to endure—and include amateur, institutional, industrial, and educational films. Such films often supplement and sometimes contradict the official, Nazi-sponsored version of events and serve as an important corrective to the visual record. Each film was scanned frame-by-frame and is digitally linked to annotations including photographs, geographic locations, and other metadata that synchronously change as the film plays. Visit efilms.ushmm.org. This curated collection includes the films featured in the project that belong to sources other than USHMM.
Officials review Reichsarbeitsdienst workers
Private film by Herbert Apfelthaler. Title card reads: “Schnitt, Kamera: Herbert Apfelthaler.” Rows of Nazi Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) march with shovels on their shoulders. A small group of other soldiers, perhaps higher ranking, shake hands and give the Nazi salute. They inspect the lines of Nazi RAD, who stand at attention with their shovels. They march down a path through fields. Shots of them in formation with their shovels in a field, then running into formation. Marching. More maneuvering and inspections. They do exercises in unison in shorts. They perform gymnastics on wooden logs and jump rope. They set up tents. They take down the tents. They perform drills with weapons.
1938 educational film for drivers in Austria
Short film advising drivers in Austria toswitch from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right-hand side. Narration ends with "Fellow Germans! Traffic community is part of the National Socialist people's community! Take this into account, show more discipline, more gallantry, and have more regard for others in road traffic."
Commercial for ladies stockings
Title card: “Perlen der Ostmark | Ein Rudolf Mayer Film.” Clouds over mountain tops. Snowy mountains. People skiing. A village in the valley of a tall mountain. A boy rock-climbs. Village in the valley. Panoramic shot of a village spanning across a river. A procession of people in fancy dress. People sailing sailboats. Men drill into rocks. A crane moved the rocks. Smoke billows out of a factory. Industrial shots. A boat goes down the river between mountains. Buildings in the village in the valley. Grapes. Various shots of the Stephansplatz in Vienna, Austria. The Belvedere Palace. The Freyung in Vienna. Graphic College in Vienna. Shots of various machinery in a factory. Women operate sewing machines. Women take stockings off mannequin legs. A woman examines the stockings. The stockings are packaged. Title card: “Amazone Strümpfe sind Fachmannsarbeit.” Title card: “Perlen der Ostmark | Ein Rudolf Mayer Film.” Clouds over mountain tops. Snowy mountains. People skiing. A village in the valley of a tall mountain. A boy rock-climbs. Village in the valley. Panoramic shot of a village spanning across a river. A procession of people in fancy dress. People sailing sailboats. Men drill into rocks. A crane moved the rocks. Smoke billows out of a factory. Industrial shots. A boat goes down the river between mountains. Buildings in the village in the valley. Grapes. Various shots of the Stephansplatz in Vienna, Austria. The Belvedere Palace. The Freyung in Vienna. Graphic College in Vienna. Shots of various machinery in a factory. Women operate sewing machines. Women take stockings off mannequin legs. A woman examines the stockings. The stockings are packaged. Title card: “Amazone Strümpfe sind Fachmannsarbeit.”
First public NS student rally in Vienna
Excerpt from newsreel Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13/1938 (25. März 1938) about the first NS student public rally after the five-year ban. Title card: “Vienna | First National Socialist Student Rally.” Main building of the University of Vienna, with Nazi flags flying from its balconies and draped from its columns. On the steps, a large crowd of students is gathered. Nazi flag waving in the wind. Students in front of the building. Rows of students march through the larger crowd, which is enormous by now. They appear to be mostly, if not all, men. Men wearing long coats and Nazi armbands march up the steps. Hubert Klausner and Josef Burckel walk up the steps between two crowds of students. CU on a young man in Nazi uniform, giving the salute and singing. Various shots of the crowd giving the Nazi salute and singing. Klausner and Burckel exit the building, walking down the steps between the students and saluting. Rows of Nazi soldiers march past the building. Klausner in his car; he salutes as it drives away.
Nazi rallies in Wachau region (Austria)
Dark frames of people. “Weissenkirchen in der Wachau.” A crowd of people stand, talking and shaking hands, amongst suitcases at the side of train tracks. There are some men in uniform with Nazi armbands. A group of young men wearing white shirts and swastika armbands. A band plays. A train approaches on the tracks. CUs of the train. People hang out of the train windows, waving. CU of an older woman’s face, she sits on a bench. Pan of the town with the mountains in the BG. Villagers walking. A boat on the water. Villagers walking. A dog stands on its hind legs. A cat. A train goes by on the tracks. A steamship on the water. In the FG, a figure jumps into the water.
German forced laborers in Lithuania in 1942
Forced (or foreign) laborers from the occupied territories (Ostarbeiter) being transported from Russia into the Reich, to Tilsit , in the formerly Russian-controlled part of Lithuania (Tilze, now Sovetsk, Russia). Filmed by an anonymous soldier. Shows the train station where the laborers are registered, deloused, and fed (this is the border station at Krottingen in Eastern Prussia, a sign is visible in the delousing segment, now Kretinga in Western Lithuania). Shows the administrative apparatus of the German forced labor system, as well as the people from the occupied territories. Includes shots of the “Wehrmachts-verpflegungsstelle”, the delousing unit including a crematorium, and the cargo wagons used to ship people from the East to the western parts of the Reich.
Vienna 1938
Wehrmacht in Russia
Everyday Wehrmacht life in (most likely) the DULAG 372 camp near Pskov (Pleskau), Russia, in the winter of 1941/42. Includes graphic depiction of mass graves, and the beating of Soviet POWs, as well as the hanging of a Soviet civilian by a Wehrmacht squad.
The Flack family in Vienna before the Holocaust
Includes: Erika Flack, Gertrude Flack, Peter Flack, Susanne Flack, Alexander Flack, Erna Flack, Hans Flack, Emil Flack, Alfred Flack, Mathide Flack, Annie Flack, and Johann Flack.
Family films, 1938
Austrian newsreel excerpts, March 25, 1938
Excerpts from reel 1 of Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13/1938 (25. März 1938), from frames 02107 to 05331. German narration. Title card: “Eintreffen motorisierter deutscher Truppen-Abteilungen in Wien und Graz” Night motorcade with motorcycles, cars, and tanks through city streets. Nazi officials wave and smile from platform before the Heinrichhof Cafe in Vienna. CUs. Crowds watch and cheer from balcony. Salute. (01:26) Daytime motorcade in Graz. Crowds line cobbled streets, swastika flags. Sign for: "Grand Hotel Steirerhof". Cars and tanks pass. Excerpts from reel 2 of Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13/1938 (25. März 1938), from frames 00000 to 03236. German narration. Title card: "Wollersdorf in Flammen" Pan of Wollersdorf. Nazi soldier lifts a barrier on roadside for entry. INTs, two military men walk through a hospital ward filled with empty beds. Barbed wire. Crowd of men, some with Nazi armbands, gather for a night rally. Several officials address the boisterous crowd from a platform with microphones. Massive fenced-in field with buildings engulfed in flames. CUs, speaker cut with saluting men. Pan, massive fires.
Prewar life in Vienna
Home movies under the label "Herzstark Filmjournal" with German intertitles. Young women and men at leisure, playing games in the garden. Title card: “Hohe Schule der Hundedressur: Wilde Bestie vorgef. von Papa Herzstark“ Mr. Herzstark trains the family dog in the yard. Title card: "Grossmutters Film Debut“ Grandmother sits on a bench and waves for the camera. Title card: "Wird einer gefallen? Hutprobe im Garten vor dem Ausflug!“ Family members playfully try-on hats and look in the mirror. Title card: "Eine die fuers Huete-probieren Verstaendnis hat.“ Young woman in hat points off-camera. Title card: "Herzstark Filmjournal" with double-arrow. Title card: “OBER ST. VEIT: Wintersport am roten Berg.“ Winter sledding on hill, crowd observes. Title card: “Der Eingeweihte stellt sich an einen Platz woselbst es etwas zu sehen gibt.“ Repeated shots of women and men taking turns sledding down the hill, some take a tumble. Title card: "Portschach am Worthersee: motorboad fahrt am see!” Boating on lake surrounded by waterfront homes. Title card: “Ried, Nied Osterr: Ein neues, angeblich in Preis und Leistung epochales Kleinauto wird einer“ Title card: "Gruppe Von Industriellen, die dessen Erzeugung ubernehmen Sollen, von Konstrukter vorgefuhrt“ Men examine an automobile, then drive it on a track.
Hitler Marches into Purkersdorf; Field Exercises; Fundraising Campaign
NSKK, part I. Caravan arrives in Purkersdorf, Austria. Driving through main street, passing retail shops and government. Well-dressed female onlookers and local men in uniforms. Official Nazi motorcade through streets: cars, trucks, tanks. Streets lined with people. Handmade “Adolf Hitler Platz“ sign. Rally in city center. NSKK, part II. Rural landscape, sheep grazing in field in Austria. Nazis in uniform. A group studies paperwork in field. Nazis in camoflauge train civilians how to load and shoot guns, march, crawl through grassy fields, hide in ditches, survey, study maps, etc. Airplanes fly above. Men march in unison on empty streets. Incendiary device is set off in a field. Nazis lunch outside farm house. NSKK, part III. "Spendenaktion" Swastika on plaque. Sign: “Inder Kampfzeit Schweren Tagen Hat Zum Seige beigetragen Diese Presse. Deine Spenden Helfen jetzt den seig vollenden“ Sign on parked truck: “Jedemwird auf der Druckprelle derillegalen Propagandaleitung der N.S.D.A.P in ofterreich. Ein Spendenlchein furs Kriegs M-h-M lofort gedruckt“ Nazis operate stamping machine on truck and print cards. They distribute food to women and young children and stamp cards. Soliciting funds, putting money in cans. Framed propaganda posters on truck: Hitler. Women and children watch a puppet show on the street. Military band plays as hundreds of Nazis parade through streets (in Vienna?). Spectators watch.
Prewar family films
INTs, office. Well-dressed couple on city street. Woman in bathing suit, she showers. Church. Women in outdoor park, walking along a path, eating tea cakes. The women walk small dogs in the city.
Nazi Rallies in Vienna
The streets are packed with marchers and spectators. Nazi rally with horns, statue. A large group of women in white uniforms marches down the street. Signs: “Sudentenland” Speech. Nazi flags flying. “Deutschland” sign. Crowd raises arms in “Heil Hitler” stance following speaker. Traffic jam, honking horns. Crowd gathers, smiling, singing, saluting Hitler. A man is visibly shoved by German for not raising his arm to salute Hitler. Germans march in the street, smiling, rowdy crowd. Nazi rally in stadium with flag ceremony, marching band, speech in German, huge crowd. Streets filled with Nazi supporters. Officials in suits. Speech.
HJ in Salzburg
Parade with music (drums and horns). Marching procession of uniformed Hitler youth in Salzburg, singing in unison. Pan to clock tower adorned with Nazi flags, time show 10:40 AM. Apartment buildings and retail shops. “Haltes Bazar” sign. Spectators watch. Filming rear of parade from a Nazi car.
RAD labor in July 1943
Private film by Herbert Apfelthaler. Title card reads “Soldaten der Arbeit” with a Nazi insignia. Another title card briefly reads “Ein Ferrania Film der Hera / von: H. Apfelthaler. / Mitwirkende: Führer und Mannschaft des RAD Abt S/343 Schönering.” Nazi insignia. Title card: “Student u. Handwerker, Bauernsohn u. Lehrling, zu einer Gemeinschaft zusammengeschweißt, arbeiten unter dem Zeichen des Reichsarbeitsdienstes.” View of houses on the other side of a river. A mini-bus drives down the road on the side of the river. Young blond men, part of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), ride in the car. The car stops in a town and the men, wearing uniforms and Nazi armbands, disembark. They march in line. They stand in a field and take off their hats and shirts. Piles of neatly folded uniforms sit on the grass. They do manual labor on a railroad. Title card reads: “Bei Rodungsarebeiten:” Young RAD soldiers do manual labor in a field. Title card reads: “Beim Verschoenern des Eigenen Lagers:” More manual labor with wheelbarrows. Shots of nature. The Nazis paint wooden houses. Title card reads “Beim Bauern:” Horses pull a cart. Various shots of manual labor. Title card reads: “So steht Ihr Schulter an Schulter beim gleichen Werk, bei der gleichen Arbeit, geeint unter demselben Zeichen:” A Nazi insignia. Title card: “Ende.”
Ostarbeiter at the Prater
Film opens on the Ferris wheel at the Vienna Prater amusement park. Dissolve and other simple special effects throughout. Wide shot of crowds (some wearing German/Austrian uniforms; some in street clothes) at the park followed by closer view of two women and two men walking and smiling. Shots of attractions at the park: the Ferris wheel and a roller coaster (camera views from the ground as well as on the roller coaster). More shots of the “Voelkergemisch” of Nazi uniformed men mingling with males and females in civilian dress. The clothing of the latter indicates that most of them are not German and are presumably the foreign forced laborers, perhaps of several different nationalities. Visitors on roller coasters and other park rides. (03:36) Three men walk toward camera wearing badges on their jackets. The word OST (indicating an eastern foreign worker) is legible on one. Children riding attractions. (04:11) CU on boy about 10-12 years old wearing skullcap (seems unlikely to be Jewish) and an OST badge. More crowd shots with emphasis on the foreign laborers followed by closer shots. Many of the women wear headscarves and at least one badge is visible. People on rides shot from various vantage points. A group of women in civilian dress wave up at the Ferris wheel. (06:52) A man in a fez rings a bell. A woman attempts a feat of strength with a sledgehammer. From at least 07:22 the camera periodically follows two specific women as they participate in various activities. They walk toward the camera at 08:02. A man wearing an OST badge and smoking at appears at 09:19. More shots of crowds at the park and a streetcar as the film appears to end. Then random extra shots: close-ups of a streetcar, a monument to Wilhelm von Tegethtoff, and the same shot of the Ferris wheel against the sky that began the film.
Hitler Youth sports festival 1944 (color)
Large, green banner with a black bird holding a sword and a hammer in its claws; there is a white swastika on its belly; in red lettering: “N.S.D.A.P. Hitler-Jugend Gebiet Oberdonau. Gebiets Sportsfest 1944.” Rows of girls in dirndls march past the sign. Swastika flags hang from a clock tower. A boy with an armband rides on a horse in a circle. Girls in short white dresses throw medicine balls and hoops as well as bowling pins. Several boys ride horses in a field. Girls try high jumping while a crowd watches. Boys and girls try to long jump. Boys try shotput. Some of them wear white tank tops with the swastika in the center. Girls try discus throwing. Boys try lance throwing. Girls march in lines around a field with soldiers while crowds of boys watch. Girls in short white dresses perform a synchronized dance in front of a building decorated with swastika flags. Boys ride horses. Girls in short white dresses dance by carrying hoops. Boys wearing swim shorts thow medicine balls between them. Soldiers watch from chairs. Girls throw bowling pins around and run. Boys synchronously wave red flags. Children cheer and clap on the ground. Older girls in long white dresses dance in circles. A boy waves a flag in front of other boys carrying drums next to a crowd. Trumpeters play from a balcony. Red poster: “NSDAP. Hitler-Jugend, Gebiet Oberdonau (29). Gebiets Sportsfest 1944 in Wels. Abschlusskundgebung. Sonntag, 16. Juli 1944 um 15 Uhr auf der Wises vor der Deutschen Turnhalle. Es spricht: Der Gauleiter.” Boys and girls in uniforms and in dirndls march. Boys in uniforms play the drums and trumpets as they march. A boy carries a large ornamental bell, with a swastika flag on top and an eagle ornament. Boys carrying swastika flags march by. People on the sides perform the Nazi salute. Nazis in uniform walk through the rows of children. Young women are singing. Young boys and girls approach a stage and shaking the official's hand, then give the Nazi salute. Rows of children sit on the grass in front of the stage. The Gauleiter speaks from a podium with the swastika engraved on it. A large plaque is given to a group of children.
Neef addresses crowd in Vienna
Silent. Neef arrives by plane in Vienna. He delivers a speech to a crowd in Vienna on April 7, 1938 at 5:00PM from the Rathaus.
Reichssportfeld exhibition; Water tank; Cement factory in 1937
Professors give tours of facilities in Austra in November 1937 - "A School Chronicle" filmed by Walter Nitsche. Title card: “100 Meter Schulchronik | Ein Filmchen von Walter Nitsche" "Besichtigung der Reichssportfeld-Ausstellung 1937 in der Wiener Sezession Führung: Prof. Prantl Pro. Strache.” The Secession Building in Vienna, draped with an enormous Nazi flag. CU on the swastika. A group of men exit the building down the front steps. Title card: “Besichtigung des Wasserbehälters im Lainzer Tiergarten Nov. 1937 Führung: Prof. Hubel.” Wooden building. A group of men in suits. Pan of a work yard in the countryside. Men in suits and long coats. One young man holds and examines a large rock. The men walk on a dirt road, some of them on bicycles. Title card: ‘Besichtigung der ‘Perlmooser’ Zementfabrik in Mannersdorf Führung: Prof. Huber.” A rocky cliffside. A crane transports rocks. A train transports carts of rocks.
Amateur shots: Austrians welcome Hitler in Hadersdorf-Weidlingau and Austrian family life
Private film of a Nazi rally during Hitler’s journey from Linz to Vienna. Outdoor shots of a large home with painted swastikas and several Nazi flags. Tanks drive down a street. Nazi soldiers walking down the street. Hitler gives the Nazi salute from his car driving down the street with many onlookers on the sidewalks. Austrians shake hands and kiss cheeks. Nazi flags hanging from buildings. Trucks and tanks with swastikas on them driving down the street. Cut to women tending to plants in a greenhouse. INTs in a house, focusing on a cat. The women walk the cat on a leash. They hold and dote on the cat. A passenger train goes by; the women greet arriving passengers. Civilians at leisure in fancy dress. Outside in a garden with dogs. Greenhouse shots. Dogs and the cat. The people eat cake. They sit outside, smoking and talking. Dark indoor shots of people drinking tea. More shots of people outside socializing.
Nazi rallies in Neuer Platz and Linz
Men in suits wearing Nazi armbands march in unison. Spectators on the sidewalk give the Nazi salute to a car driving down the street in a processional. Rows of young men in uniform, carrying an enormous Nazi flag and marching in unison. A procession of men in long black coats carrying shovels follow. Planes flying overhead. Panoramic shot of a town in the countryside. Young uniformed men marching and waving Nazi flags down a country road. A processional going through a city street in Linz. Tanks and cars drive down the streets. Pedestrians give the Nazi salute to the passing cars. Lines of covered cars on the street. Parade scenes of cars and motorcycles, all waving Nazi flags. Civilians climb trees to get better vantage points. A clock tower with a Nazi flag. Planes fly overhead. Pedestrians on the street, crowding a cable car. Rows of Nazi soldiers give the Nazi salute. They march while saluting.
Part 2 excerpt from Police Yearly Retrospect 1938
Title card: “Montag, den 14. Marz 1938 | Ankunft des Führers an der Wiener Gemeindegrenze.” Lines of Nazis. The soldiers speak with Austrian civilians on the sidewalk. A processional of cars with soldiers goes by; pedestrians on the side of the road give them the Nazi salute. Hitler passes in one of the cars. Various shots of the rally. Title card: “16. Marz 1938 | Die Beeidigung der Wiener Polizei durch den Reichsführer SS, Chef der deutschen Polizei, Himmler.” Marching band and soldiers lined up on the Heldenplatz in front of a building draped with Nazi flags. Line of men dressed in nice coats. Soldiers on horseback. The marching band. A group of Nazis in uniform walk with Heinrich Himmler. Nazi salute. Title card: “Parade.” Pan of several Nazi officers. Men shake hands and give the salute. Close shot of Reinhard Heydrich. Himmler, and other prominent Nazis standing on a platform, decorated with the swastika, in front of bleachers. The parade begins, with many different uniformed Nazi groups marching down a wide street lined with spectators. Children watch the parade and salute. Continuation of the parade. Title card: “25. Marz 1938 | Feierliche Hissung der Reichsdienstflagge am Gebäude der Polizeidirektion Wien.” Inspection in the streets of Vienna. Saluting and marching. Title card: “27. Marz 1938 | Ausspeisung von Bedürftigen durch die deutsche Polizei auf dem Heldenplatz.” A marching band. Men carry stacks of plates, setting tables and distributing slices of bread. Soup is ladled into bowls. The bowls are distributed. A conductor leads the band. Civilians eat soup. Title card: “5. April 1938 | Der Chef der Ordnungspolizei SS-Obergruppenführer Daluege inspiziert die Ausrüstung der Wiener Polizei.” Lines of soldiers are inspected by a group of officers. They shake hands and give the Nazi salute. Title card: “20. April 1938 | Parade der Polizei und der SS-Formationen anläẞlich des Geburtstages des Führers u. Reichskanzlers.” HAS, soldiers assembled in formations. Higher-ranking Nazis walk down the street between the assembled lines. Ernst Kaltenbrunner speaks from a podium. Men shake hands and salute. More shots from the parade. Title card: “2. Mai 1938 | Die ersten österreichischen Anwärter für den Polizeidienst begeben sich ins Altreich zur Ausbildung.” Karl Retzlaff speaks to a group of Nazis. A marching band walks by. Men in plainclothes walk in two rows. Title card: “7. Mai 1938 | Feierliche Amtseinführung des Kommandeurs der Wiener Schutzpolizei. Oberst Becker durch den Staatssekretär SS-Brigadeführer Dr. Kaltenbrunner.” Men salute one another. Rows of soldiers stand at attention. More hand shaking. The marching band. Kaltenbrunner and others examine the rows of soldiers. Kaltenbrunner stands at a podium addressing the soldiers. Herbert Becker addresses the soldiers. Soldiers on horseback. Soldiers standing at attention. Soldiers give the Nazi salute. Herbert Becker and others drive off in a car. Title card: “14. Mai 1938 | Generalfeldmarschall Goring vollzieht den ersten Spatenstich zum Bau der Wiener Flak-Kaserne auf dem Küniglberg. Die Schutzpolizei stellte eine Ehrenwache.” Hermann Goering walks past soldiers standing at attention with Nazi flags. They salute Goering. He stands at a podium, addressing the crowd. A sign waves in the breeze that reads: “Was wir hier bauen verdanken wir dem Führer!” More shots of Goering at the podium and the crowd, including plainclothes civilians. Goering shovels dirt. CU, waving Nazi flags. More shots of the crowd. Title card: “18. Mai 1938 | Der Generalinspekteur der Schutzpolizei, Generalmajor Mülverstedt inspiziert die Polizeikaserne Marokkanergasse.” Arthur Mülverstedt and August Meyszner salute one another. They examine a line of soldiers. They get in a car. Film ends abruptly.
Ordnungspolizei in Moravia; Daluege
Title card reads: “1938 Wiener Schutzpolizei in Südmähren.” Title card: “Wille und Tat des Führers ermöglichen die friedliche Heimkehr des Sudetenlandes in das Groẞdeutsche Reich.” Title: “Ein starker Gurtel von Betonbunkern und Hindernissen sollte deutsche Menschen ewig trennen. Volksbewusstsein und Opferwille überwanden auch diese eiserne Grenze.” LS, then pan, of a fortification in the countryside. Fortification building with the words “Pravda vitezi” [“Truth prevails”] painted on it. Two Ordnungspolizei walk into the building. More shots of the fortification. Buildings in Podyji National Park in South Moravia, with Burg Hardegg castle in Lower Austria visible in the BG. Alternating shots of buildings, with Ordnungspolizei entering and exiting, and the countryside fortifications. Title card: “Zusammenkunft einer deutsch-tschechischen Kommission zur Festlegung der neuen Grenze.” Pan up of a building labeled as the ‘community office of the city of Znaim.’ In Czech, the town is called Znojmo. Clock tower with a Nazi flag waving in the wind. Pedestrians and Ordnungspolizei walk down the street. Title card: “Die neue Grenze wird bezeichnet.” A group of Nazi soldiers and Ordnungspolizei walk down a street. They hammer a stake into the ground. Title card: “Die Kaserne und das Abschnittskommando Südmähren der Schutzpolizei in Znaim.” A Nazi police officer walks up the steps of a low building decorated with Nazi insignia. Several young boys wearing uniforms speak with a police officer. Title card: “Schutzpolizei hilft!...” “...beim Einbringen der Ernte…” Nazi soldiers ride on horse-drawn carts. Men shovel and harvest. A line of soldiers stand at attention. They perform drills. Title card: “...durch Opferspenden für die Ausspeisung bedürftiger Kinder.” Two men in aprons portion food onto plates. Children sit at a long dining table. A woman ladles soup into their bowls and they eat. The children are weighed. Title card: “Die Kleinen lohnen es durch erfreuliche Gewichtszunahme. Durchschnittliches Mehrgewicht nach drei Wochen war 1,9 kg.” The children are weighed. Title card: “Schutzpolizei einmal anders!” “Vor den Ergänzungswahlen in den Groẞdeutschen Reichstag. Im nationalsozialistischen Staate werden die Männer der Polizei politische Soldaten und greifen in der Wahlwerbung tatkräftig ein.” “Parademarsch in Znaim.” A parade, including Nazi police, soldiers, and a band carrying Nazi flags, marches through the center of Znojmo. A procession of cars, decorated with Nazi flags and banners, carrying soldiers and police follows. Title card: “Lautsprecherwagen und Sprechchöre werben im Stadt und Land.” The parade and spectators on the street. Banners read: “Dem Fuhrer am 4 Dezember.” Onlookers and parade spectators. They all do the Nazi salute. Cars, now adorned with enormous Nazi flags, drive down a dirt road amongst the trees. Children climb onto one of the cars. The car drives around amongst buildings with Nazi flags. Children’s smiling faces. People crowd around a car full of Nazi police officers, waving. Title card: “Der Wahltag brachte ein großartiges Bekenntnis zu Führer, Volk und Reich. Südmähren hatte mit über 99% Ja-Stimmen das beste Ergebnis.” “Der Chef der Ordnungspolizei SS Obergruppenführer General Daluege besichtigt die Schutzpolizei in Znaim und dankt den Mannem für ihren erfolgreichen Einsatz.” General Daluege shakes hands with members of the Ordnungspolizei.
Tour of Vienna
Title card: “An der Kamera: Mario Wiberal.” “Gesamtbildgestaltung: Frank Rossak.” “Der Film zeigt Kultur- und Baudenkmäler sowie Wiens Garten von heute.” Church on Leopoldsberg in Vienna. Pan of the city and countryside below. Pan of Stephansplatz. Vienna Parliament and city council. A streetcar passing in front of the Parliament. The Volksgarten. The Naturhistorisches museum. The Theseus Temple. The Burgtheater. Cafe Landtmann. The City Council. The Rathausplatz. Various statues. A streetcar passes in front of the Rathaus. The Universität Wien Hauptgebäude. The Liebenberg statue. The Rathaus. Various shots of the Votvikirche. The Rossauer Barracks. Maria am Gestade. Various shots of Stephansdom. Michaelerkirche. Freyung. Various shots of the Hofburg Palace. Minoritenkirche. Statue of Kaiser Franz I. Statue of Maria Theresa. The Burggarten. Cars driving past on the street. Cars and pedestrians on the street in front of the Opera House and Hotel Bristol. Albertina. The Equestrian Statue of Archduke Albrecht. Kapuzinergruft. Neuer Markt. The Danube Canal with the Urania observatory in the background. Men fishing in the canal. Volkstheater. Statue of Ferdinand Raimund. Rathaus. Minoritenkirche. Statue of Waldmuller. Panning shots of various buildings. CU on statue details at the Schonbrunn Palace. Schonbrunn Palace. Leopoldsberg. Hochstrahlbrunnen. Rathaus at night. Parliament at night. Stephansdom at night. An inscription of an Adolf Hitler quote.
Part 1 excerpt from Police Yearly Retrospect 1938
Title card: “11. März 1938. Der große nationale Umbruch in Österreich.” Title card: “Abends, nach dem im Rundfunk verkündeten Rücktritt der Regierung Schuschnigg, kam es zu großen spontanen Freudenkundgebungen in den Straßen Wiens.” Crowds of people yelling, smiling, cheering. Most of them are doing the Nazi salute. Some are holding swastika flags, others are holding torches. City lights can be seen in the distance. Title card: “12. März 1938, - um ½ 2 Uhr früh. Vom Balkon des Bundeskanzleramtes wird die neue nationale Regierung Seyß Inquart proklamiert.” Flashlights show men in long coats. A parade of teenage boys march, banging drums and carrying torches. Many of them have an armband on. A man in a suit speaks from a balcony, there is a swastika flag hanging beneath him. He is joined by several other men, who all perform the Nazi salute. Title card: “Das veränderte Stadtbild am Morgen des 12- März. Die Polizei versieht mit Frakenkreuz-Armbinden den Dienst. An den Fahrzeugen wehen die deutschen Wimpeln.” Several uniformed men stand in rows. Some of them have swastika armbands on. Some perform the Nazi salute. A uniformed man directs traffic on a busy street. Title card: “Strenge Kontrolle der Wien verlassenden Fahrzeuge an der Gemeindegrenze.” Two men in uniform speak to another man beside a car. They are looking over papers. There are skis tied to the car and a swastika flag hanging from the windshield. Title card: “Der Gummiknüppel wird abgeschafft.” Men in uniform stand in lines to throw their batons onto a growing pile of others. Title card: “Die Verbände der S.Fs. und S.S. werden ausgerüstet.” Men walk by with swastika armbands on. Men stand at attention with guns. They then get into a vehicle. It starts to snow. Title card: “Die erste Proklamation des Führers wird im Rundfunk übertragen.” A large crowd performs the Nazi salute towards what looks like a large gramophone. Title card: “Flugzeuge der Deutschen Luftwaffe erscheinen über Wien.” Many planes fly in the air with a city below. Title card: “Vor dem Bundeskanzleramte.” Planes fly overhead. A crowd of people are gathered to watch. A man on a balcony performs the Nazi salute while being photographed. The people below perform the salute as well. Men in uniform perform the Nazi salute and smile. Title card: “Vortrupps der Panzerdivision tretten abends in Wien ein.” Armored cars drive down a street at night while people stand on the sides to watch. Title card: “Fackelzug und Freudenkundegebung der deutschen Bevölkerung Wiens.” At night a crowd is cheering and performing the Nazi salute as motorcyclists cars ride by in the street. There are many swastika flags, torches, and people performing the Nazi salute on the sides and in the motorcade. Teenagers march by, some carrying large swastika flags, others banging drums. Many of them have swastika armbands. Men in a car perform the Nazi salute to the parade. A band goes by, with people playing their instruments and performing the Nazi salute at the same time. People hold a banner that says: “Gudetendeutschland grüßt!” and swastikas on it. People march by carrying skis. Another banner passes that says “Wir haben abge-” and is cut off by the dark. Another banner that says “Es lebe das Broßdeutliche Reich.” Another banner that says “...Adolf Hitler das Molkerie Gewerbe!” Men on horseback ride by. Title card: “Sonntag, den 13. März 1938. Gedenkfeier für die gefallenen kämpfer der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung.” Men in uniform stand at attention behind a large wreath, and in front of an ornate gate. A large crowd of people are gathered in a square, all standing at attention surrounding a large statue of a horse. Some are carrying large swastika flags. Soldiers play trumpets. The wreath is carried by soldiers through the square. Children and adults are performing the Nazi salute as the wreath goes by. The wreath is carried into a building. A group of soldiers march in the street. Many of them have swastika armbands on. Title card: “Reichsdeutsche Ordnungspolizei in Wien.” A motorcade of soldiers goes by while people stand on the sides and watch. Soldiers getting ready to depart, standing beside motorcycles and cars without tops. Soldiers stand at attention, they have what looks like skulls painting on their helmets. A soldier stands in line to get a bowl of food. Title card: “Kraftwagen aus dem Reich und aus den Bundesländern werden von den Wienern freudig begrüßt.” Truckloads of soldiers drive by, performing the Nazi salute and waving swastika flags while crowds of people watch and cheer. A man standing on top of a car with a camera drives by. Title card: “Einzug der deutschen Wehrmacht in Wien.” At night a motorcade of soldiers drive by while soldiers on a platform and civilians nearby stand and watch. An aerial view of soldiers marching in the streets. Swastika flags fly from nearby buildings.