- Description
- Transfer of defendant to a trial. Shots of crowd, MPs, UNRRA officials, judges moving/walking through streets of Landsberg DP camp. VAR, UNRRA or military officials walking in streets, entering and exiting a building, talking. Children boarding train, some in scouts uniforms. More views of the UNRRA officials on the street. Parade of scouts marching, rally, flags. Some men in suits. Demonstration of DPs, young crowd. Man speaking with Hebrew banner in BG (seen briefly in RG-60.0088). Flags. 01:09:10 Pan, INT, another demonstration, DP officials grouped on a platform, singing, various men giving speeches from a podium, Zionist banner and Jabotinsky portrait in BG. 01:10:02 People in streets, milling about (also in Story 92, "The Persecuted"). Man with crutches. Bicycles exit as the gate rises. DP families on streets (maybe Neu Freimann DP camp, and in Story 92).
01:11:40 Pan of DP camp buildings for Zionist Youth (the Nili group), grass in FG. LS, gate with Hebrew welcome sign and flags, opening slowly. INTs, man sleeping, washing face. Displaced persons doing various work in fields, with animals, machinery. Farm labor. Eating at tables outdoors. Dining hall with Hebrew banner, eating at tables, serving food, and feeding babies. Instructing workers on using machinery for farm work. Nurse treating a wound. Teaching Hebrew. Playing chess. Man with large dogs. Singing, playing drums, piano. - Duration
- 00:16:41
- Date
- Locale
Neu Freimann, Germany
- Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of George Kadish
- Contributor
Camera Operator:
George Kadish
- Biography
George Kadish, born Zvi (Hirsh) Kadushin (1910- 1997), was a Lithuanian Jewish photographer who documented life in the Kovno Ghetto during the Holocaust. Prior to World War II he was a mathematics, science and electronics teacher at a Hebrew High School in Kovno, Lithuania. As a hobby, Kadish was a photographer. He was skilled at making home-made cameras. During the period of Nazi control of Lithuania he successfully photographed various scenes of life and its difficulties in the ghetto in clandestine circumstances. Kadish constructed cameras by which he could photograph through the buttonhole of his coat or over a window sill. He was able to photograph sensitive scenes that would attract the ire of Nazis or collaborators, such as scenes of people gathered for forced labor, burning of the ghetto, and deportations. He enlisted the help of Yehuda Zupowitz, a high-ranking officer in the ghetto's Jewish police to help hide his negatives and prints. Kadish retrieved the collection of photographic negatives upon his return to the destroyed ghetto. After Germany's surrender on May 8, 1945, Kadish left Lithuania with his extrordinary documentary trove for Germany. There in the American Zone, he mounted exhibitions of his photographs for survivors residing in displaced persons camps. He also filmed and photographed life in the displaced persons camps in Germany.
Physical Details
- Language
- Silent
- Genre/Form
- Unedited.
- B&W / Color
- Black & White
- Image Quality
- Fair
- Time Code
- 01:05:43:00 to 01:22:24:00
- Film Format
- Master
Master 142A Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - print
Master 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Master 142A Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - print
Master 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Master 142A Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - print
Master 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Master 142A Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - print
Master 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small- Preservation
Preservation 142A Film: negative - 16 mm - acetate - b&w - duplicate negative - Kodak - 7234
Preservation 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 142A Film: negative - 16 mm - acetate - b&w - duplicate negative - Kodak - 7234
Preservation 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 142A Film: negative - 16 mm - acetate - b&w - duplicate negative - Kodak - 7234
Preservation 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 142A Film: negative - 16 mm - acetate - b&w - duplicate negative - Kodak - 7234
Preservation 142A Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
- Copyright
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Conditions on Use
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum places no restrictions on use of this material. You do not require further permission from the Museum to reproduce or use this film footage.
- Copyright Holder
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Keywords & Subjects
- Keyword
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection - not accessioned
- Note
- For some duplicate footage, see also Story 92, Film ID 142B of "The Persecuted," George Kadish's documentary film about the life of Jewish people in DP camps in Germany.
Film also called "141 short version". - Film Source
- Kadish, Mr. George
- File Number
- Legacy Database File: 1256
- Special Collection
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive
- Record last modified:
- 2024-02-21 08:06:04
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn1000689
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Also in George Kadish Collection
George Kadish, born Zvi (Hirsh) Kadushin, filmed and photographed the life of displaced persons in Germany after the Holocaust. This collection of 16mm films shows the experiences of Jews in DP camps in Germany, Eisenhower visiting New Freimann, Zionist demonstrations, a hospital for former Jewish prisoners, ORT vocational schools, and the dedication of a new synagogue in Munich.
Life in DP camps in Germany
A documentary film about the life of the Jewish people in the DP camps in Germany. Children boarding trains. Supplies. UNRRA. Men kissing. Loading displaced women and luggage onto flatbed trucks. MS, baby lifted onto truck. More shots of DPs boarding truck, loading luggage. CU, boy with guitar and other children, waving goodbye as trucks depart. In Landsberg, women with babies and carriages in the park, children playing. Man speaking to crowd, davening. Religious ceremony. Hebrew memorial sign reading "150,000." Pan, men at meeting, sitting at table. Man delivering speech, reading. Crowd looks on. Waving goodbye as jeep leaves. Children after the Olympic sporting events: drums, flags, uniforms, marching. Distributing newspapers. Crowds of DPs. Man directing traffic, car leaving through camp gate. CU, telephone operator. Officers delivering message. DPs talking. Automobile with "DP Camp Landsberg" written on side. Officers salute, marching. Men speaking at a table, passing out certificates to children, returning papers to UNRRA officer. Children exiting school with backpacks, teachers follow. Woman with ORT diploma, CU diploma with name "BLUM SARA". Transferring defendant to a trial. Crowd, MPs. Rally, crowds with many flags. Marching with banners in Landsberg DP camp. Sign reading "American JDC Emigration Service." Slow pan of housing (probably Neu Freimann DP camp), DPs gathering and walking along road. Man with crutches. Distributing newspapers. DP men with baby carriages, families. Bicycles exiting camp through gate. DPs milling about camp, EXT of camp.
Landsberg DP camp: school, library, children
CU DP boy in Landsberg, Germany. Hebrew sign. Teacher and children dancing, playing, learning. Children in classroom at desks learning Hebrew. Teacher pointing to map of Israel. Reading posted notices. Men and women outside. Sign reading "Landsberger Szpigel Ojshams Cusztand in Erec Jisroel." Man dictating letter to women with typewriter. The woman at the typewriter has been identified by a patron as Minna Aspler (nee Friedland.) Distributing newspapers. Men smiling at camera. More, reading papers posted on board. CU, Chaim N. Bialik Library sign. Reading in library. Men reading papers at tables. Men shoveling/digging. The third man on the left shovelling has been identified as Moe Aspler by a patron. Throwing dirt in UNRRA truck. Building? Women and children on UNRRA truck, smiling. CUs, some children eating, sleeping. MCU child with luggage. Others in BG with luggage, baby carriages. DPs in field with luggage. CU, girl eating bread. Pan, large building, people gathered. Pan, children, shoes. Elderly Jewish man speaking to another. Group of DP children gathering near men, laughing. CUs children, feet, some barefoot. Pan, men.
Track and field events at DP camp
Track and field events at DP camp: javelin, high jump, track races, shotput.
DP tent city and rally
Tent city and displaced persons in Landsberg, Germany. Families, children, baby, elder crying. Pan feet (mostly barefoot). Toilet training a baby. More of the displaced families. Laundry. Teenage Hebrew scouts sitting on grass. Boy getting water from a military jeep. Standing in line for food with buckets, eating, soup distribution. Pan food lines. Man dragging child in cardboard box. Feeding child soup. Elderly woman eating bread. Waiting to talk to commanding officers in tent marked "Kommanding Officer". Man standing on chair in courtyard, above crowd of DPs arriving at camp with luggage. DPs gathered inside tent camp, young boy with luggage. DPs boarding trucks. CU families and children, walking in camp with luggage. 01:21:07 Building (another camp?), truck with DPs enters wooden gate, people get off truck, children are deloused. INT, eating at table. Children writing in journals. LS, EXT of classroom. Boys cleaning, shoveling rubble/cobblestones into wheelbarrow. Parade, marching with banners, "Long live the great president of the US - Truman and the American people." Man speaking under banner: "British hangmen - Our empire is in danger." Crowd applause, singing in unison.
Hospital for former Jewish prisoners; medical care
St. Ottilien Hospital for Jewish Former Political Prisoners near Landsberg, Germany. Pan of hospital. Shots of doctors and patients: in beds, during examinations, surgery. Patients walking the hospital grounds. Labor: sewing, making uniforms. Bris ceremony (circumcision).
Sport events at DP camp; Eisenhower visits Neu Freimann
Men and women outdoors doing calisthenics, gymnastics, various track and field events at a DP camp in Germany. Women playing tennis. Crowd of men watching a boxing match. Pan, men's soccer team. Men playing chess. 01:55:32 General Dwight D. Eisenhower arriving at Neu Freimann DP camp, touring buildings, school, warehouse, synagogue. Crowds gathering for Eisenhower. Eisenhower leaving in automobile.
Landsberg DP camp; UNRRA activities
At Landsberg DP camp, men speaking at a table, passing out certificates to children, returning papers to UNRRA officer. CU, sign in Hebrew for religious school. Children exiting school with backpacks. Man speaking. CU, ORT diploma with name: "BLUM, SARA". Children with diplomas/certificates. Official speaking into a megaphone. Man toilet training a baby. Scouts pose next to sign in Hebrew. Quick view of banner "Wir ehren die Opfer des barbarischen Nationalsozialist." Brief, fuzzy sequence with children dressed in Hebrew scout uniforms and UNRRA or JDC official speaking to another, with Jewish man in BG and sign in Hebrew. Cut to crowd (better quality), some men very religious.
Sport events; opening of new synagogue in Munich; Landsberg DP camp
Life in the Landsberg displaced persons camp. DP children writing in journals. Hebrew "Olympiad" sports events: calisthenics, flag-raising, ceremony, spectators, track races, high jump, sack races, crowd, award ceremony. People gathered in streets, on bicycles. DPs getting off truck. DP family walking slowly down road. Raking/gardening. Children, families, playing in park. Babies. Girls dancing the Hora. INT, men talking at table. EXT, synagogue in Neu Freimann DP camp. 01:06:31 Dedication of a new synagogue on Reichenbach Street in Munich, Germany on May 20, 1947 (see Photo Archive WS 22228). Among those present are Lucius D. Clay, commanding officer of the US occupation zone, Walter J. Muller, Hans Ehard and Philipp Auerbach. INTs, men praying and listening to various speakers (religious, military, etc.) from pulpit. Torah scrolls, religious service. 01:10:18 In Landsberg, religious man unpacking torah scroll from cardboard box. Military men distribute yarmulkes, tallit, tefillin. Boys reading Hebrew prayerbook, elder looks on/teaches children. Men at yeshiva: reading, studying Hebrew, davening. Elder man talking to military officer. Child survivor Samuel Bak from Vilna paints a ghetto scene. A woman comes over and looks at the painting over his shoulder. Man painting poster with "6,000,000" inscription. Pan of more artwork. Violinist is David Arben, a famous camp survivor. He was the youngest musician in the Ex-Concentration Camp Orchestra and served more than a decade of tenure as concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Piano. Playing chess. Men waiting in line, buying newspapers.
Life in German DP camp
Tent city and displaced persons in Germany. Families, children idling near tents (Red Cross and JDC). UNRRA jeeps/trucks. DPs milling about with luggage. Pan, crowd of DPs. Man standing on chair, above crowd view of DPs arriving at camp with luggage. DPs with luggage getting onto truck. CUs, women, children, baby sleeping. Pan feet (mostly barefoot). Standing in line for food with buckets. Eating. Distributing food/soup. Boy getting water from a military jeep. Woman with baby, woman knitting, laundry. DPs idling. CU tents. Man dragging child in cardboard box. Man reading newspaper in Landsberg DP camp. Elderly woman crying. Laundry. CU baby. Crowds waiting with luggage, getting onto trucks. Pan of DP tent camp. More DPs with luggage moving towards trucks. Woman speaks to commanding officer, another commanding officer speaks to a group of DPs. Boarding truck, CU family with luggage. Child eating, elderly woman eating. Scouts dancing and singing. Getting off truck. DPs unloading, being deloused. Eating at table. Children writing in journals. Man doing calisthenics. Poster of a man bowling. Gathering at camp for Olympiad sporting events: flag-raising, grandstand with megaphone, spectators, calisthenics, relay races, running races, long jump, high jump, award ceremony, children marching. Hebrew language sign. Children exiting school with backpacks, teachers follow. Man speaking to children eating at table. Distributing UNRRA certificates. Automobile exiting through EXT gate. Switchboard operator. Man with stack of papers, distributing identification papers? Man exiting automobile, salute. Men marching. Samuel Bak from Vilna painting ghetto scenes. Man painting poster with "6,000,000" inscription. Pan of more artwork. Violin, piano. Older men speaking around table.
DPs loading luggage on truck
DPs boarding truck with luggage. CU girl. Lifting baby onto truck. CU men and women on truck. Shots of truck leaving, children waving.
DPs boarding truck
Displaced persons getting onto truck, boy with a guitar being lifted onto truck, female servicewoman nearby. Children on truck waving goodbye to camera. Side view of truck.
DPs boarding truck with luggage
Displaced persons boarding truck with luggage. Men kissing. More boarding/luggage.
ORT vocational schools
A film about the ORT vocational schools in the US Zone of Germany. Introduction by Jacob Oleiski, US zone director of ORT, including English subtitles. VAR scenes of survivors in vocational training programs. Men and women working on machinery, furniture making, sewing, women's clothing, etc. in Landsberg, Germany. 22:09:31 Max (Mordchai) Rubin, a chemistry teacher at ORT Munich, is visible, along with his student Adi Rubin (Ribon) at 22:09:37. ORT UNRRA Vocation School sign. MCU young men entering building. Oleiski speaking again, with English subtitles.
Lecture at DP camp in Germany
Men and women listening to lecture at DP camp; slow pan left to right of audience. Sign: "Emigrant Assembly Center Reception Billeting." Man pacing/standing in front of sign, talking to another man.