- Description
- A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1937 with English titles:
"Europe's powder keg! Endless Spanish Rebellion is source of constant concern to all nations."
"Worst London cloudburst in 27 years! Streets of British capital are flooded when rain descends in torrents!" "In the U.S., storms and floods render thousands homeless."
"George VI reviews grand fleet. Newly crowned Monarch sees Britain's mighty sea force at it's best."
"Texas horror! 450 perish when mysterious explosion demolishes school at New London."
"U.S. Labor strikes. Industrial production halted - Workers lose millions in pay when Government condones 'sit down' labor war."
"Rockefeller. Oil pioneer and philanthropist passes at age ninety-seven."
"Amelia Earhart lost! Famous aviatrix vanishes while attempting to girdle globe. Her last picture."
"London to New York in 24 hours - Giant clipper ships are trail blazers in new and old world service."
"Soviet flyers win new air Laurels. Trio hops from Moscow to Vancouver, Wash., via North Pole, breaking world's distance record." "Moscow says 'Well done'!"
"Black to U.S. Court! Roosevelt appoints self-confessed ex-Klansman to bench from which there is no appeal!"
"77 million dollar bridge opens. World's largest span links Golden Gate City and East Bay area."
01:07:16 "Mussolini visits Hitler in Germany. Historic meeting of two dictators draws attention of entire world." Nazis line the streets with arms raised in salute, waving Nazi flags. Nice MS of Mussolini in train window. More spectators waving flags in support. Mussolini debarks train and greets Hitler. The men shake hands and then march with Nazi elite following. Crowds, the two dictators review troops parading by.
"Japan invades China! Fierce air raids terrorize millions of non-combatants in Shanghai and Nanking."
01:09:08 "In the hands of these five men rest the destiny of the world" CUs with titles of Mikado, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Roosevelt. "May they be wise, tolerant, and sane - so that peace on earth and good will towards men will reign for years to come" - Film Title
News Parade of the Year 1937
- Duration
- 00:09:45
- Date
- Locale
New York, NY, United States
Shanghai, China
- Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of Lisa von Haam Pumphrey
- Contributor
Eugene W. Castle
Physical Details
- Language
- Silent
- Genre/Form
- Newsreels.
- B&W / Color
- Black & White
- Image Quality
- Fair
- Time Code
- 01:00:01:00 to 01:09:46:00
- Film Format
- Master
Master 2873 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - safety - Kodak - print
Master 2873 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small
Master 2873 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - safety - Kodak - print
Master 2873 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small
Master 2873 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - safety - Kodak - print
Master 2873 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small
Master 2873 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - safety - Kodak - print
Master 2873 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small- Preservation
Preservation 2873 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 2873 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 2873 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 2873 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small- User
User 2873 Video: DVD
User 2873 Video: DVD
User 2873 Video: DVD
User 2873 Video: DVD
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
- Copyright
- Public Domain
- Conditions on Use
- To the best of the Museum's knowledge, this material is in the public domain. You do not require further permission from the Museum to reproduce or use this material.
Keywords & Subjects
- Keyword
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Film Provenance
- Lisa von Haam Pumphrey donated five 16mm black and white Castle Films newsreels to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in July 2009. Her father, Dr. Emmerich von Haam, a renowned pathologist, collected the films while serving in the First Regiment of the U.S. Army during World War II.
- Note
- Castle Films No. 103
Public domain status confirmed by NBC Universal - Film Source
- Lisa von Haam Pumphrey
- File Number
- Legacy Database File: 5236
- Special Collection
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive
- Record last modified:
- 2024-02-21 07:51:09
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn1004343
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Also in Emmerich von Haam Castle Films Newsreel Collection
Lisa Pumphrey donated her father’s collection of Castle Films newsreel productions News Parade of the Year for several years between 1937 and 1948. Dr. Emmerich von Haam, Jr. (1905 - 1988), a renowned pathologist, collected the films while serving in the First Regiment of the U.S. Army during World War II. The films highlight important world events, including those relating to Nazi aggression in Europe. Each newsreel offers a comprehensive yearly report of war activities from the American perspective. The films are very valuable since they are of very good quality. Five reels of 16mm film (38 minutes)
Unrest in Palestine and Exodus ship
A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1947 with English titles: "British royal family in Africa. 5,000 Zulu warriors stage unique demonstration." "A reigning British monarch visits Dark Continent for the first time in history." "Costumes in Korea! Natives stage fierce riots as political unrest spreads!" "Korea strives for independence after 40 years of Jap slavery." 01:01:30 "Terror grips Palestine! Zionist underground widens its resistance!" Jewish Brigade troops, destroyed building, caring for the wounded. "A refugee ship reaches Haifa after gun battle at sea!" MS, Haganah ship Exodus at sea with passengers aboard. CUs, children at window. Passengers unload at the port, some wounded. LS, derailed train with passengers milling about. "U.S. President's good will travels. At Mexico City, Truman is welcomed by President Aleman." "In Ottawa, Truman addresses a joint session of Canadian Parliament." "'We count Canada as sharing our peace objectives and ideas ... we face the future unafraid!'" "Brazil hails U.S. President with spectacular parade in Rio de Janeiro." "World Flight. Bill Odom takes off from Chicago to smash his own world record." "'40 Winks' on a wing at Tokyo." "Then back to Chicago in 73 hours, 5 minutes!" "Nature on Rampage! In Poland, floods sweep through Warsaw!" "Rampaging ice in Vistula River destroys giant railway bridge." "Florida Hurricane! Worst 'blow' in 17 years causes $20,000,000 damage to East Coast!" "Royal Romance. Before Buckingham Palace, thousands cheer Princess Elizabeth and her future Prince Consort." "World Series! In the sixth game, Yankee Joe Dimaggio slams to center field ... Gionfriddo makes the catch of the year!" "Seventh game ... Hermanski's triple." "Edwards hits into double play and Yanks win World Championship." "Texas city disaster. French freighter loaded with ammonium nitrate explodes with frightful force!" "408 dead ... 3,000 injured." "The number one casualty of the year!"
Postwar Berlin and U.S. airlift; Truman re-elected President
A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1948 with English titles: "West's worst floods! Thousands made homeless when swollen Columbia River inundates vast territory!" "Raging torrents devastate Canada's Fraser Valley." "Florida lashed as tropical hurricane roars in from Caribbean!" "Holland's new queen. Wilhelmina, after 50 years of kindly rule, abdicates in favor of her daughter Juliana." "All Amsterdam cheers the new Queen and her Prince Consort Bernhard" 01:01:59 "Berlin crisis! World is tense as Russia and Western Powers test strength." Troops at airfield, planes in flight. "U.S. Airlift continues to land food in beleagured capital." Loading supplies in a truck and delivering to the ruined city of Berlin. Fights break out among men in the crowded streets. "Coal strike grips France! 350,000 miners idle as Communist-led strike paralyzes nation!" "30,000 troops are called to combat violence!" 01:03:25 "Palestine conflict! Men and women don uniforms to protect new state of Israel." Men and women soldiers in uniform lined up for review by an officer. "Hundreds injured in bombed Jewish shopping district!" Smoke rising from apartment buildings. Firefighters and civilians in the street amidst the ruins, some engaged in rescue operations. "Revolt in Bogota! Crazed mobs go berserk following assassination of Liberal leader Gaitan." "Revolution sparks mad rioting and bloodshed!" "U.S. air growth. 92 ton giant 'Constitution' plane takes off with 168 passengers." "Its crew of 12 guides the plane from California to Maryland in 10 hrs." "'Parasite Plane' has successful launching." "Superfort is 'foster mother' to new jet which cannot take off by itself!" "2,200 paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne swing into action at Fort Bragg, N.C." "Lockheed 'Shooting Stars' in breath-taking display of aerial power over Andrews Field, Washington." "Presidential Election." "Gov. Dewey addresses tremendous crowds in sweep around country." "President Truman wages determined campaign for re-election." "Harry S. Truman succeeds himself as 32nd President of the United States." "All my efforts will be devoted to the cause of peace in the world and the prosperity of our people here at home."
Annexation of Austria; Allies protect Czechoslovakia and further German advance
The News Parade newsreel footage of events surrounding the German annexation of Austria in March 1938. Various shots of military fighting and smoke. Chancellor von Schuschnigg greets Austrians and speaks from a podium. German troops marching over the border and into the streets of Vienna. Crowd/parade sequences, motorcades, several shots of crowds engaged in Nazi salute. Hitler's arrival. Shop signs in BG: Kastner, Wagons-Lits / Cook, Mercedes. HAS, crowds on plaza, military planes flying above, Austrians heil in support, Nazi troops in armored vehicles. Hitler exits car to walk in street. Hitler addresses the people of Austria from the balcony of the Imperial Palace. Map of Nazi-occupied Europe (1938). Benes greets troops in the street, German soldiers advancing. French officials, troops put on gas masks. CU, Stalin. Buckingham Palace with Chamberlain and Eden, British troops prepare to fight. Mussolini and Italian troops. Hull addresses US. Various shots showing the powerful Nazi troops. With English titles: "Twenty years ago firing ceased! Again - today - the world is offered the false idea that might makes right!" "Austrian Chancellor Kurt Von Schuschnigg who failed to satisy Hitler's demands" "We are a Christian state, a German state, and a free state!" "Hitler's answer to Austria: INVASION!" "The history making march that shook the world" "An invasion of submission by Austria - not a conquest by Germany" "500,000 pack the streets of Vienna" "The modern Caesar triumphantly re-enters the land of his birth" "From the balcony of the Imperial Palace he screamed, '75,000,000 people in one nation - no force on earth can shake us!'" "Germany has added 32,377 square miles - 7,000,000 subjects and rich agricultural and mineral lands" "Czechoslovakia. Encircled by new Germany, will defend its Soveregnty!" "President Benes reasserts the Czech determination to defend itself against aggressors" "France. Treaty-bound to protect and defend the Czechs!" "Premier Leon Blum expresses France's grave concern" "Russia. France's ally if German expansion continues!" "Stalin joins France for the protection of Czechoslovakia" "England. Diplomacy and strength of mighty empire strive for world peace!" "Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain proclaims for peace" "Anthony Eden, Englands youngest Foreign Secretary in 84 years, resigns" "Italy. Approves Austrian coup but will defend its frontiers against all!" "'We will not discuss Italy's frontiers, we will defend them' -Mussolini" "United States. Disapproves remaking world map by dictator-edict or seizure!" "Secretary of State Cordell Hull" "We must maintain our strength - our courage - our moral standards and our influence in world affairs" "Again the world is menaced by displays of armed strength -- but MIGHT DOES NOT MAKE RIGHT!
Nazis advance to the Balkans and Russia; France falls; Atlantic charter agreement
A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1941 with English titles: "War-Five Years! China fights on as tension in Pacific grows!" "Siege of Tobruk! British guns repel year-long Axis attack!" 01:01:04 "Balkan crisis! Nazis overwhelm heroic Greeks!" Ruins, shocked civilians, wounded. Crowds of troops. 01:01:25 "Germans halted! Capture of Iraq stops Hitler's march toward Suez!" Air warfare, bombing, automobiles. "British and Free French capture nearby Syria from Vichy forces!" Scenes of occupied Syria, fighting. Injured military officer exits military vehicle. "France's tragic fate! Once proud republic crushed under conqueror's heel!" DeGaulle salutes train filled with soldiers. Military parade. CUs, spectators, many crying. "Women and children suffer most!" CUs, woman with baby, girl drinking from a metal can, children at soup kitchen or orphanage. "Britain avenges 'Hood'! 'Bismarck' sunk in historic sea and sky offensive!" 01:03:25 "Roosevelt-Churchill meet! Atlantic charter agreed upon at dramatic sea conference." Churchill climbs up stairs on boat and shakes hands with FDR. Naval soldiers seated for the ceremony, then on another boat. "U.S. forces in Iceland! American land and sea forces guard Britain's Atlantic life-line." "Nazi torpedo cripples U.S.S. Kearny! Eleven American seamen perish!" "Canadians smash Spitzbergen! Arctic island is rendered useless for Germany!" "Wireless stations are demolished." "Coal mines and shafts blown up." "Off to England - their new home." "Strikes slow U.S. defense! 16,000,000 man-days lost!" "Planes-ships-guns! World's biggest bomber symbolizes growing U.S. military might." "Democracy's call for ships is answered in U.S. yards." "U.S.S. North Carolina, largest battleship afloat!" "Battle for Russia! Hitler's invasion of Soviet incites most gigantic struggle of all time!" Fighting sequence with tanks, planes, bombs, weapons, smoke, troops, injured military. More fighting. "Prisoners" Truck filled with wounded Russian POWs. CUs as they get out of the vehicle. "In the Baltic, Soviet naval guns repel invaders." Fighting at sea, missiles, smoke, ships, and naval personnel.