- Description
- Described in the opening titles of the film, as a "nature film", this footage depicts the town of Spreewald in the Brandenburg section of Germany. VS, EXT, stream, trees, various flora and fauna, wooden homes, locals canoeing down a stream or a river, farming, tending to the soil and to crops. VS, two canoes with two groups of children heading downstream, and then docking in front of their schoolhouse. MS of a police officer in uniform, patrolling in canoe. Bails of hay are also transported along the river. The rest of the footage is comprised of similar scenes of locals carrying out daily tasks and travelling along the river in canoes. A few good CUs of farmers sorting baskets of cucumbers, radishes, and oversized pumpkins and loading them into his canoe for transport.
- Film Title
Im Spreewald [In Spreewald]
- Duration
- 00:11:47
- Locale
Brandenburg, Germany
- Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of Steven Zabin
- Contributor
Reichsanstalt fur Bild und Film in Wissenschaft und Unterricht [RWU]
Producer: Naturfilm Hubert Schonger
Physical Details
- Language
- Silent
- Genre/Form
- Instructional.
- B&W / Color
- Black & White
- Image Quality
- Good
- Time Code
- 01:00:00:00 to 01:11:47:00
- Film Format
- Master
Master 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w
Master 2588 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - small
Master 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w
Master 2588 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - small
Master 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w
Master 2588 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - small
Master 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w
Master 2588 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - small- Preservation
Preservation 2588 Film: negative - 16 mm - polyester - b&w - duplicate negative - B-wind - Kodak - 3234
Preservation 2588 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 2588 Film: negative - 16 mm - polyester - b&w - duplicate negative - B-wind - Kodak - 3234
Preservation 2588 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 2588 Film: negative - 16 mm - polyester - b&w - duplicate negative - B-wind - Kodak - 3234
Preservation 2588 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small
Preservation 2588 Film: negative - 16 mm - polyester - b&w - duplicate negative - B-wind - Kodak - 3234
Preservation 2588 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - small- User
User 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - silent - workprint
User 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - silent - workprint
User 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - silent - workprint
User 2588 Film: positive - 16 mm - b&w - silent - workprint
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
- Copyright
- Copyright Undetermined
- Conditions on Use
- Owner of copyright, if any, is undetermined. It is possible this is an orphan work. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting, or publishing content to determine copyright holder and secure permission, or perform a diligent Fair Use analysis.
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Film Provenance
- Colonel Alexander Zabin, MD shot 16mm color films as a U.S. Army surgeon in Europe during World War II. He also obtained a collection of 16mm German film productions, many under the label Reich Scientific and Educational Film body. Col. Zabin's son Steven Zabin donated the film collection to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in May 2002.
- Film Source
- Zabin, Dr. Steven
- File Number
- Legacy Database File: 3817
- Special Collection
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive
- Record last modified:
- 2024-02-21 08:07:27
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn1003131
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Also in Col. Alexander Zabin, MD Collection
Film footage in black and white and color created and collected by Alexander Zabin, a US Army surgeon who carried his own camera with him into the field, filming his company and mash unit, performing field surgery, and liberating death camps in the European theater of war. The donation also includes four hours of Nazi scientific/cultural/educational films as well as objects and documents.
German educational film: birds and their natural habitats
VS of various species of birds in their natural habitats, taking flight, feeding, laying eggs, hatching eggs, etc. There are several intertitles throughout the film [in German] that provide more information about the specific birds and their habits and habitats.
German educational film: the codfish industry in Iceland
VS, views of a port in Iceland. Fishermen along the shore in a small schooner. VS, CU's buckets of fish (presumably cod fish) men cleaning and sorting fish. CUs, men deboning and skinning the fish, Once the fish are cleaned, several are laid out and salted. and left to dry/cure in the sun. CU, layers and layers of dried, salted fish. Man carries the dried fish away in a wheel barrow. Women working at the docks cleaning fish, scrubbing the skin with water and brushes. VS, of vast amounts of fish laid to dry on the rocks near the shore, several people, mostly men and some women, sorting and loading the fish into crates, the fish are then wrapped in paper, tied with cord, rewrapped in burlap sacks, and retied.. The burlap sacks read; "Union Icelandic products: V&H Havana. Other wooden crates are marked: "Sao Paulo" and "Rio de Janeiro".
German educational film: Geysers in Iceland
This short educational film depicts two men's journey by horseback to a geyser on the island of Iceland. One of the men is identified by name, Dr. Erich Dautert. In several EXT shots a man is seen exiting his home with a grass thatched roof, and gathering together horses as well as supplies. He saddles some of the stout, long-haired horses with supplies, and he and another man ride two of the other horses. VS of the beautiful countryside of Iceland. The two men make their way over hills and much rugged terrain to reach the geyser. Beautiful scenes of waterfalls and jagged rock formations. VS, the two men and their horses travelling over land. They set up camp for the night and tether their horses ankles together so that they can't run away. VS, impressive shots (LS) of the geyser, cut to the two men at their tent, eating. END.
German educational film: birds and their habitats
German educational film, begins with the following intertitle: "Sturm-und Mantelmowen": VS, of birds along the shore, some shots with them standing on the sand, at the waters edge, other shots of them flying above the water. Second intertitle reads: "Strandlaufer" : VS, birds along the beach, walking, poking their beaks in the sand, etc. Third intertitle reads: "Steinwalzer": VS, birds continue to walk along the water's edge. Fourth intertitle reads: "Austernfischer": VS, birds of a different species at the water's edge. They take flight. One of the birds lands in marsh grass. CU, three unhatched speckled birds' eggs. CU, a hen standing over the eggs, she then sits on top of them. Fifth intertitle: "Seeschwalben": VS of birds along the shore, quick cut to a CU of two speckled eggs, CU of another species of bird, warming her eggs in the marsh grass. CU, a chick hatches from one of the eggs. CU, both chicks have hatched, they remain huddled close together, their mother arrives with food for them and feeds them. MS, other members of the flock appear, VS, the baby chicks begin to move about and explore their habitat under the watchful eyes of their mother.
German educational film: Children of East Africa
This film seems to closely parallel documentation regarding other films that were shot by Dr. Ludwig Kohl Larsen and his research team during the German Africa Expeditions that took place from 1934 to 1936 and again from 1937 to 1939. This expedition went to East Africa to study the hunter gatherer tribe of the region near Lake Eyasi. This tribe was called the Hadzabe, a nomadic tribe from Tanzania. This particular short ethnographic film features mainly children at play. They are young boys, running naked and swimming in the lake, climbing trees, eating coconuts, and fishing in the lake. It is not yet confirmed if the people in this particular film are actually members of the Hadzabe tribe.
German educational film: rice farming practices in Southeast Asia
This German educational film focuses on rice farmers in an unidentified country in Southeast Asia (most likely Indonesia). The film features men and women working in the rice fields, several majestic shots of the stepped land and perfectly manicured rice paddies. Oxen are used by the men to tend to the paddies. VS of collecting the rice, men and women back in the village sorting the day's harvest. MCU of an altar with flowers and various other items. INT, MS of women separating the grains from the stalk using large sticks. CU of a young boy eating the spare grains of rice that fall to the floor. Men gather round, eating rice that has been cooked for them by the women. VS of the women preparing plates for the men and the children of the village. VS, EXT, a procession with banners and flags of the villagers through the rice fields to celebrate the harvest. Young boys carry baskets of food on their heads, some play musical instruments, offerings are placed on the steps of a temple. VS, the villagers gather in a circle as dancers in elaborate costumes perform.
German educational film: instructional film on boxing techniques
This instructional film teaches young men how to box. The film features an adult trainer and several young (adolescent and pre-adolescent) boys practicing boxing techniques. They are in a gym and at times in a boxing ring. Intertitles in Boxen der Jugend 8: Gewhonung an finten Dopplestobe zum kinn und zum korper und umgekehrt. Translation: Practicing the art of the 'fake' or the 'dodge' Doublehook to the chin and the body and reverse hook.
German educational film: daily life in Lapland
VS, EXT, lake views with mountains in BG. VS, a family of Laplanders (father, mother and child) come to shore in canoe, carrying their belongings, they head toward their tent and enter with all of their belongings. Two dogs enter the tent with them. MCU, man smoking a pipe, then cooking a meal while two children look on. VS of Laplanders in their tent, women, children, baby, etc, carrying out daily tasks. VS, Laplander children in a rural classroom, sitting on the ground in an open tent, there is a female teacher, all students have lap desks and notebooks, they are reading and writing. There are boys and girls in the classroom. The children exit the school room, smiling for the camera. Young boys are learning to herd animals, and learning how to tie a bridle onto an antler, with the help of an adult male. They play with ropes and antlers, toss lariats, etc. There are some very entertaining scenes of these very young boys, some as little as two years old, learning a man's work. VS, reindeer being herded by man and young boys. Little boy looks on happily, as reindeer run by and up the mountainside. Film ends on MS of a lone reindeer, on a sloping hillside, looking directly into the camera.
Fritz and Fratz cartoon of the North country
Cartoon with German subtitles. Title on screen: "Die lustigen Streiche von Fritz und Franz... Winterfreuden [the comical escapades of Fritz and Franz... Winter Joy]. Various adventures of the two characters (they are children) on sleds in the snow.
Hitler and Nazi elite on airplane, greeting SA
Hitler and Nazi elite on airplane. CUs, pilot Baur. Hitler reading on plane. Greeting SA troops. Loading airplane. Boy greets Hitler with flowers. German intertitles: Selbst im Flugzeug ist der Geburstagstisch gesschmueckt Sein bewaehcter Pilot ist Flugkapitaen Baur Das Geburtstags gesschenk der SA Die Kleine Gratulantin will die Bluemen nicht hergeben
German educational film: marriage customs in Upper Silesia
This short documentary depicts the town of Schonwald in Upper Silesia, and the various activities which occur in preparation for a wedding ceremony that takes place in the village. VS, villagers carrying farm implements, heading off to fields. MCU in the village (of Schonwald), two peasant women read an announcement posted on the side of a building. CUof the announcement (in German), stamped by the town official. VS, young woman pumping water at a well. VS, young townswomen in tradtional costume, kneeding dough and preparing large trays of bread. MS, two older women braid the hair of a young woman (the bride to be) and then outfit her in the traditional regional wedding costume. VS, the wedding ceremony, many townspeople are present, the bride and groom and other members of the wedding party carry out a number of rituals, including pinning corsages on each other, exchanging rings, exchanging vows, etc. After the ceremony in the church, a celebration ensues. At the celebration young girls dance together, a band plays (accordion, stringed, and percussive instruments). The young girls seem to be taking dancing cues from a person out of the frame, adults watch the young girls, but the adults do not participate in the dancing. The bride and groom are escorted to their home. The bride takes off her ornate head dress, and replaces it with a black shawl, to signify that she is now a married woman. END.
German airforce bomber attacks
VS, German bomber airplane on an airstrip, with Nazi insignia and other markings of the German airforce. VS, mechanics and crew loading bombs onto plane. MS, a military official demonstrates plan of attack to crew using a map. Low angle shot of the belly of the plane closing once ammunition and supplies are on board. CU, night time, propellers of the airplanes, moves out to MLS, plane visible on the runway, preparing for flight. MS, crew members board plane, they shake hands with man who remains on the ground. LS, airplane takes flight. VS, from POV of crew members inside the plane, clouds, ocean, etc. MS, crew member inside the plane, then inside the cockpit, then recording information in paper log. CU, pilot with his hands on controls. More EXT shots of plane flying over ocean intercut with scenes from the cockpit. Crews spot an enemy plane ahead, prepare guns for counter attack. VS of air squadron, cut to INT, CU, crew aims at enemy ships in water below. Plane drops bombs on ships. VS of ensuing battle. Soldiers sending messages in Morse code. Pilot in cockpit eating and smiling after attack, another crew member eating a piece of fruit on board the plane. The plane lands, mission is complete. Crew disembarks, smiles, hand shakes, etc. Soldier painting marks on side of plane on airstrip, it reads: "Narvik: IIIIIIIIII; England: IIIIIIIIIIIIII" The lines signify the number of successful air strikes against enemy ships.
Germany Navy; World War I
Large steamships docked in Ösel. VS of cargo, including military supply wagons and cannons being loaded onto freighters/warships by German naval personnel (in uniform). Sailors in uniforrm operating hoist. Horses are also being loaded onto the ship. Sailors pose alongside the ships, smoking, walking, socializing, smiling for camera. Overhead shot, hundreds of men boarding the ships with their gear on their backs. Horses and more cargo go on with them. Tracking shot of ship leaving harbor, in the foreground the image is a teaming sea of sailors' hats on deck (viewer can only see the tops of the sailors' heads). VS of freighters, along a canal, in the BG houses are visible. As the freighters pass, they pass by a portion of a bridge that is somehow supported above the water. VS, sailors on deck as their ship heads out to sea. VS of biplanes and airships as seen from the POV of the ship's deck. Ships firing their cannons out at sea. VS, INT, sailors loading the cannons. Sailors lower tugboats into the water from their freighter, sailors fill tug boats. More shots of horses, in large wooden crates being hoisted from the tugboats onto the freighter. CU, sailors walking toward camera, smiling. More scenes of loading cargo. VS, sailors, on shore, line up in field for inspection by officers.
German educational film: swimming techniques
VS of adolescent boys learning to swim in a pool. There is one male instructor and approximately 10 pupils. The instructor takes them through important techniques for the breast stroke, focusing individually on arm movements and leg movements before combining the techniques to perfect the breast stroke.
German educational film: birds: egg laying and hatching
Opening title: Die Lachmowe. VS of birds in a marshy area, flying, sitting in the water, etc. VS, of the birds in their natural habitat, laying and hatching eggs, socializing, etc. Several good CU's of chicks hatching from eggs.
German educational film: African apes
This short educational film features the apes of Africa in their natural habitat. VS of gorillas interacting with each other. There is a long sequence of two gorillas fighting, and VS of gorillas climbing trees. The subject shifts from Gorillas to Baboons. VS of baboons in their natural habitat, eating, interacting, etc. There are several good shots of a mother cleaning her young and teaching a baby to climb a tree. Sequence of baboons escaping some sort of unseen danger, CU of one alerting the group and then VS of the group running away across a stream (in slow motion.) They leap through the water by hopping from rock to rock. MS, the baby is left behind, clinging to a branch mid stream, he swims to shore where his mother waits for him. From baboons the subject shifts to Long -tailed Monkeys. Again, VS of the animals in their habitat. The monkeys are fighting with the baboons, on top of a thatched-roof hut. A group of monkeys. much smaller in size than the baboons continue to taunt the baboons until they have chased them away.
German educational film: domesticating the African elephant
This short film first depicts the African elephant in its natural habitat, aand then as domesticated elephants being used as work animals for a variety of tasks. All the scenes are EXT scenes. There are some interesting scenes shot at night in the camp, where the elephants can be seen with people riding them, etc. VS, of elephant hunting. There is a long, arduous scene where approximately 10 men try to rope and restrain a wild elephant. They are successful in roping one of his hind legs, but the elephant continues to fight off some of the men with his forelegs and his trunk, this struggle is intercut with a scene of a man begin struck down by the elephaant (looks staged). Two tame elephants are soon brought in to calm the frightened animal that the men are still trying to capture. They manage to coax the young elephant away with the help of the two adult elephants, and to rope all four of his legs. He is brought to a camp to train with many other elephants who are being domesticated. VS, elephants carrying supplies through the bush and through water. The African men ride the elephants while the white man rides a mule. VS of elephant caravan, the elephants are also used to take down trees that the men will use as lumber for building projects.
German educational film: soldiers build an igloo
This short instructional film depicts German soldiers, in uniform, in an unidentified mountainous region surveying a snowy hillside to determine a fitting location to build an igloo. EXT, VS, a group of approximately 8 soldiers at work with shovels and saws in the snow, cutting and moving uniform 'bricks' of snow to construct their shelter. They load the blocks of snow onto a sled to transport them more easily. The soldiers work diligently to perfect their igloo, making sure to even out rough spots, and keep the bricks uniform and level. The igloo begins to take shape, there are now shots from inside and from outside the igloo as they continue to build and construct the rounded roof. The soldiers put in an arched entry way. They pack more snow down on the roof, and begin to bring items inside the igloo. INT, two soldiers separate tree branches and twigs on the igloo floor. MS, three soldiers sleeping side by side in sleeping bags inside the igloo, the sunlight is streaming in from the sky light left in the roof, and a thermometer is hanging above their heads. One of the soldiers opens his eyes and reaches up to grab the thermometer, reading the temperature inside the structure. He seems content with the reading, and goes back to sleep.
German educational film: daily life and activity in a mill town
This short film depicts the daily life and activity in a German mill town. Their are VS of horses and a horse drawn wagon, men and boys working with the animals, and sifting grain into sacks. LS, windmill. Man and boy arrive with wagon full of grain at the windmill. Sacks of grain are hoisted up into the windmill. The grain is stored inside. VS, the windmill operator demonstrating how to use the mill. He hands cranks the equipment from the outside to get it started, and then climbs inside to get the main mechanism going. INT shots of the windmill at work, a series of interlocking gears, etc. The sacks of grain are opened and poured into the machine to be ground into flour. The worker rebags the flour at the end of the process.The man and his son return to retrieve their milled wheat and to exchange payment. They shake hands The process is complete.
German educational film: fishermen in the North Sea
Scenes of daily life and activities of fishermen and their families in the North Sea region. VS of life on the sea and at home. Scenes of cleaning and sorting the catch of the day, maintaining their fishing boats, farming, etc.
German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition
This is part one of a three part film of which USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew as they embark on the first phase of their journey (via ship) to Greenland to explore the island. CU of Wegener, smoking a pipe, and another crew member on the ship's deck. VS of the cargo being loaded and unloaded from the ship, the cargo included supplies, food, horses, etc. MCU of the ships helm, the ship is named the Gustav Holm. VS of the icy waters that the ship encounters. The natives of the island come to meet the ship at its port of call, and to help unload all of the equipment. VS of the men jumping from one chunk of floating ice to another in order to carry the equipment to shore. VS, Wegener and crew setting up their base camp near the shore, panoramic views of the shoreline and the snow capped mountains in the distant BG. Portions of the crew begin the journey into the icy mountains, still transporting some equipment by sea.
German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition
This is part two of a three part film of which the USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew during his expedition to Greenland. VS of crew, dogs, and sleds, travelling across and charting this seemingly endless frozen tundra. VS of crew carrying equipment up snowy, icy mountains in order to set up their work station, majestic views of the mountains and struggles to get sleds loaded with equipment to the work station. Horses are also used to help pull carry cargo. There are several good CUs in this story of the faces of the people of Greenland, and several good MCUs of the dogs jockeying for position as they are leading the sleds across the tundra.
Liberation of Dachau; Folk Festival in Czechoslovakia
EXT, U.S. Army medical unit loads supplies onto trucks for transport. Snow on the ground; soldiers in winter gear, VS loading large wooden crates. VS, the convoy of medical unit trucks travels over difficult terrain, dirt and mud roads, etc. MS, a truck dumps a large amount of rubble onto a dirt road, soldiers [and possibly locals] shovel and level off the roads. LS, underexposed, supply trucks move along a road, mountains in BG. MS, captured German soldiers stand in line with their belongings, receive rations, interviewed by the liberating U.S. Army unit. Pan, several German soldiers look at the camera while others look away. MLS, the group from another angle, destroyed buildings in the BG. Traveling MLS of rows and rows of triangular shaped stone markers in the ground, in the FG are broken railway tracks. MCU, Col. Zabin standing in front of the markers, in combat uniform with his helmet in his hand. Buildings in the valley below, continuous pan of bombed out buildings and church. MCU, sign: "Prüm-Kreis Prüm-Reg Bez Trier." MS, Col. Zabin posing in front of an open truck with German soldiers and officers from the medical unit. From a moving vehicle, soldiers and/or refugees march along the road with their belongings on their backs (underexposed). VS of locals, soldiers, or refugees standing along the road, resting. Convoy of U.S. Army vehicles crossing a makeshift bridge across the Rhine River. LS, pan of the destroyed Rhine Bridge. VS, makeshift bridge and destroyed bridge. U.S. Army and locals remove fur coats from a warehouse. Scenes from Dachau in black and white. MCU, sign in German, skull and cross bones warning of danger - gas - on the metal door to a gas chamber, the door is slightly ajar, inside there is a camp inmate in a striped uniform. Above another door says: "BRAUSEBAD." MCU, stack of wooden coffins in the anteroom. MCU, bodies. INT, MS, underexposed shot of a pan of inmates' barracks at the concentration camp. VS, inmates in the hospital ward of the camp, some have their heads bandaged, some are standing, some lie in cots, most look directly at the camera, there are men and women, young and old. MCU, inmates in striped uniforms pose for the camera. In color, a dead body is floating face up in the Wuerm River. LS, the river and liberated camp inmates, standing behind a wire fence, outside of their barracks. MS, dead bodies, female, lying in the grass near the river's edge. VS, Dachau camp, pan of buildings, American flag flying atop one of the buildings, LS, high angle view of the main camp courtyard, many people milling about, the camera continues to pan, until the confines of the camp at the edge of the river. EXT, pan of railcars, open, full of dead bodies. U.S. soldiers, roll call in an open field, there are men and women. Festival in Czechoslovakia. MCU, toddler in traditional Czech costume poses shyly for the camera. MS, young men playing volleyball in an open field, spectators in the FG. LS, men playing soccer, many spectators. MS, group of Czech folk dancers in traditional costume perform for the crowds. LS, city street, Col. Zabin exits a building and crosses the street, heading toward the camera. Col. Zabin near the banks of a river, he takes off his shirt and sits down to relax, he speaks with the cameraman. VS, Col. Zabin near the river's edge, he rolls up his pants and begins walking on rocks in the river.
US Army medics, trauma surgery
Color footage. MCU moves out to MLS, and then a pan of destroyed equipment on the beach. VS, beach head and surrounding countryside, military vehicles and personnel in BG. Field full of rubble and artillery shells. CU, remains of a building stairwell, rubble surround the stairwell. END LS, from high angle, rooftops of an unidentified town. VS of the rooftops, a street and bridge below with civilians walking across it. VS, MCUs and CUs, the camera pans a church spire and other architectural details of the building. CUs of two American soldiers looking through the viewfinder atop the cathedral to the town below. They look at the cameraman; one is talking on a phone, they smile again for the camera. END INT, MLS, underexposed, silhouette of two people standing in front of a large window. Pan of the INT of a church, people standing in front of stained glass windows, several American soldiers, in helmets, their heads are silhouetted against the window, sunlight streams in from outside, the rest of the shot is dark. More panning, hard to see, perhaps architectural details. Several seconds of black. END Black and white footage. EXT, low angle, MCU, architectural detail of rose stained glass window. MLS, U.S. Army officers in combat gear, standing in front of this building. VS, the building, military personnel, military vehicles, civilians walking or bicycling past the building. END Color footage. MS, a U.S. Army plane on an airstrip, the number "17" painted on the side. Plane taxis on the airstrip. LS, several planes parked on the airstrip. MLS, tall yellow grass, fields, surrounding airstrip. MLS, Col. Zabin, in uniform, pointing. CU, pan of a damaged torpedo or artillery casing. INT, MS, two women seated in a café, near a window, looking at the camera, in the BG on the street outside two U.S. Army soldiers stand in front of a military vehicle, with a large white five-pointed star. Café, full of civilians, barista in white jacket behind the bar (underexposed). Several patrons smile for the camera. END EXT, VS, many out of focus, pan of town and surrounding countryside and farmland from a high angle. MCU, local villagers. A group of elderly men and women pose for the camera then go back into a building. ECU, prisoner with a swastika tattoo on both of his forearms. END Black and white footage. Trauma surgery. ECU, the face of a wounded man on the operating table, his face is severely disfigured, ECU surgery in progress. MCU, medical personnel wearing masks put a wounded patient in a half body cast, from the waist down. VS, surgical team in action, at one point the surgeon turns and waves to the camera. More ECUs of the disfigured face and other war wounds. Surgeons pose with a man in traction. EXT, MS, Mash unit sets up camp, puts up tents, and unloads wooden crates of supplies. INT, MS, the surgical tent, several operations are going on simultaneously. CUs of wounded men being prepped for surgery. More CUs of wounds, CU of an extremely bloody surgery in progress, the patient's intestines are literally outside of his body. END EXT, MLS, a destroyed town, U.S. Army convoy driving through the streets of the town. Medical vehicles, civilians walking over piles of rubble in BG. END VS, CUs, another surgery in progress. An intestine or foreign object is removed from the patient and held up for the camera. Cut to another patient, bandaged and lying in bed, he is in a pool of water and receiving shock therapy. MS of the doctor who is administering the shock treatment. END
US Army medical unit conducts target practice and eats
American soldiers (US Army) in an open field for target practice. The unit's medical truck is visible in the BG, identifiable by the large red cross on the side of the truck. VS of the members of the unit shooting guns, setting up targets, sorting ammunition, talking, etc. The soldiers take a break: CU of a soldier smiling, sitting down on the ground to eat a sandwich and soup.
German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition
This is part three of a three part film of which USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew during his expedition of Greenland. With German intertitles. VS of crew, dogs, and sleds, travelling across and charting this seemingly endless frozen tundra. INTs, igloos, equipment, dogs, snow, crew. Wegener died on this fourth of his Greenland expeditions, and there is footage of his grave site on this reel, marked by a large wooden cross. The film ends with an epithet to Wegener.
German educational film: 1936 Olympics, Berlin
This short film depicts the scene at the 1936 Olympic Games held in Berlin, Germany. General, establishing shot of the entrance to the stadium, followed by a series of shots inside the stadium, of crowds saluting Hitler, and of the procession of participating countries. MCU of Italian delegation marching on to the field, their athletes in black shirts, saluting Hitler. CU of Hitler surveying the crowds. Cut back to the various countries rounding the track inside the stadium. CU of Hitler saluting, cut to Nazi flag being carried into the stadium. MS, crowds in the bleechers wave and cheer. LS of nations assembled on the field as a runner enters the stadium with the olympic torch, he rounds the track and climbs the steps to the olympic flame. CU, olympic flame. VS, track and field events in the stadium: discus, javelin. Medal ceremonies, crowd reactions, etc. CU of Hitler cheering on German female athletes in the relay. VS, shotput competition. MCU, Hitler shaking hands with a victorious athlete, he is flanked by high ranking Nazi party officials. VS, the marathon, the runners begin to enter the stadium for the final leg of the race. VS, the Japanese cheering on their countryman in the marathon. VS, Jesse Owen running and winning his race, female hurdlers, a German woman places second and the German fans go wild. VS, shotput competition, high jump competition, pole vault competition, crowds reaction. Film ends with scenes of the Olympic bell tolling, and the flame burning.
Prague; field surgery; London; German submarines
Color footage. A man waking up in a military cot (very underexposed). Two windows behind his bed provide a small amount of light for the shot. The man sits up in bed and speaks to the cameraman. Col. Zabin walks down street in Prague in his U.S. Army uniform carrying a shoulder bag. He tips his hat to the cameraman, cars in BG, and a civilian in FG. Col. Zabin boards a streetcar. He removes his helmet and tips it to the cameraman. Pan of streetcar full of civilians, Col. Zabin walks in front of the car as the camera pans, large "N" inside of a circle on streetcar. MS, pan of castle with the river below. VS of the surrounding town, horses and a groomsman, some shots of the city at twilight. END Black and white footage. Col. Zabin dresses himself. He sits at the edge of his cot, puts on socks, undergarments, pants, etc. He smiles somewhat awkwardly for the camera. MS, Col. Zabin with two military officers walking down street. They smile for the camera. Three servicemen walk arm in arm and smile. VS, the servicemen chat with two women, Col. Zabin exits a building with a young boy, a man, and a woman. He stands and poses outside the building with the family. Cut to a wounded man in a hospital bed. CU of his legs, very charred, a doctor with surgical mask works on the patient. CU of man's forearm with a swastika tattoo. Cut to another CU of a man's forearms, he is resting his hands on his knees, it is difficult to see clearly but there appears to be a marking on his other forearm as well. END In England, LS, sign outside of Tudor-style building reads: "The White Lion." Pan to another sign: "To Car Park Anells White Lion." MLS, civilians wait on a train platform, a few soldiers visible on the platform as well. Pan of the train platform. MLS, a woman and her child stand in front of advertisement posters, one is for the Abbey National Building Society (an English bank). MLS, a guard on duty in front of the Buckingham Palace, more march by. VS, city streets in and around Westminster Square, pan of buildings, windows, scaffolding, focus on Downing Street at intersection with Whitehall. LS Big Ben, pan from the clock down the tower. The square with buses, cars, and people moving about. END Opening credits. Degeto Schmalfilm-Schrank. "U-Boote" Film made in Germany in 194?. END
Celebration in Luxembourg; Nice, Monaco coastline; returning to New York
MLS, jumpy scenes of young men running across a field, wearing red shorts and no shirts. Young women in red and blue skirts with white shirts processing around the field where the boys were running (also very jumpy). Girls hold and wave white handkerchiefs. LS, young men perform calisthenics on the field. MS, young women on the field. END VS, Col. Zabin horseback riding and jumping. VS, Col. Zabin waterskiing in Nice and Monaco. VS, high angle views of the beach and coast, people walking along a paved path by the beach. END LS, high angle, hills, coastline, and the water beyond, red-tiled roofs of homes and other buildings. VS, city streets, municipal buildings, trees, civilians. Footage is underexposed and it is difficult to distinguish individual features. People walk up and down steps of a building. Col. Zabin in army uniform walks toward the camera, speaks to the cameraman. VS of town square and hills above the town. END 01:08:12 Black and white footage. INT, CU of soldier sleeping. CU of another soldier sleeping sitting up, he holds his head in his hands. Pan to another soldier next to him laughing. CU Col. Zabin and a fellow soldier in a rail car. EXT, train station, two soldiers stand and wait on the platform. The station sign reads: "BREAUTE-BEUZEVILLE." A train full of American soldiers is at the station. Col. Zabin climbs on board and waves, he hands half of a loaf of bread to another soldier on the platform. CU of another sign: "LE HAVRE." CU, Col Zabin gets off train. MCU, train yard covered with American soldiers in uniform, milling about, talking to each other, some carry bags and bed rolls. MS, Col. Zabin picks up his bags and walks toward the camera. In BG, side of the train reads "3739 (KTC) TRK 15" . LS, rooftops, treetops and hilltops of an unidentified town, pan, a church spire is in the center of town. Large ship docked in water. MS, Col. Zabin stands in front of a white building, takes off his hat and puts his hands on his hips. END 01:10:23 Color footage. MLS ship on the open sea. People waving, small red and white flags and many American flags are flying from the mast and on deck, some passengers in uniform. Various flags. Large banner reads: "Welcome Home - Well Done." The side of the ships says: "Transportation Corps." LS open water. MS women on deck waving to the cameraman, and holding up a banner reading: "Home Sweet Home" with a large caricature of man waking up - he is in striped pajamas, raising his hands above his head, and an alarm clock is next to him. CU of another ship full of American soldiers, covering the deck, masts, every spare inch of space, waving, etc. 01:11:45 LS of New York Harbor, several ships in the water, the Statue of Liberty, and the New York skyline. MLS, Statue of Liberty. Staten Island Ferry moves through water. Camera stays on the Statue as the ship moves closer to the port, then pans to the skyline. END
Liberation: Germany; Czechoslovakia: Soviet and American Armies
VS, high angle, woman in an overcoat walking down street; man in U.S. Army uniform holding a box, walking down street. Two separate shots of the woman walking. Cut to VS, pan of sky and clouds, for a brief moment a small plane is visible, flying low. Plane on an airstrip, the man in Army uniform seen earlier in a very LS walking on a concrete walkway between two buildings, presumably a U.S. Army base of some sort. Two airplanes are parked on the air strip. A group of boys and girls (4-6 years old) in FG, all dressed in red shorts and white shirts, walking hand in hand in an open field, trees, flag, and several more groups of older children in BG. Children process around the field, shots are jumpy and overexposed. Cut to a horse drawn cart, with two live cows inside, and two peasant women seated atop the cart, the cart travels across a bridge, several large buildings in the BG. More carts, loaded with peasants and livestock also cross bridge. Several men and women, CU one man atop a cart wearing a Russian military uniform (soldier? or someone who has confiscated a soldier's clothing?), he smiles for the camera. Another man dressed in a Russian military uniform walks alongside the carts, visible only in LS. Pan of carts, a U.S. Army ambulance parked along the bridge is seen in BG. Cut to Russian Army tank parked on a city street, several soldiers in different uniforms (a mix of American and Russian) are standing alongside the tank, civilians also gather round. The tank is smoking and sputtering, they are having trouble starting it, the tank begins to move, continuing to blow smoke as it drives down a city street with trolley tracks, the tank moves along, many civilians are walking on either side of the tank, on the sidewalks. Cut to MCU, the tank is again parked, the number "93" painted in large white script on the tank is visible, as well as a red five pointed star. Many civilians mill about the tank. Cut to MLS of the city and municipal building. Civilians walk on the streets, a gray and red passenger bus passes in front of the building. Footage switches to black and white. CU of Dr. Zabin examining a patient. A young boy lies in a hospital bed as Dr. Zabin listens to his chest with a stethoscope. They smile for the camera. Dr. Zabin removes dressings from the boy's wounds, CU of one of his wounds, probably from a bullet or shell and shrapnel. His entire thoracic region looks severely injured and the doctor stitches him up. He remains calm and still. Due to low lighting it is difficult to see the boy's face or the extent of his wounds. Another CU of wound, Dr. Zabin and nurse clean the boy after completing the stitches. Dr. Zabin redresses his wounds. Color footage. U.S. soldiers in combat gear and helmets in an open field, several tents are set up in BG. Dr. Zabin in his Army uniform riding a horse. Mountains in the BG. The horse jumps over small hurdles, another horse in BG. Dr. Zabin runs the horse, then he stops, takes off his hat and waves to the camera. Cut to a shirtless American soldier atop a horse, he waves, takes the horse around the course for a run. Zabin mounts his horse again. Military band in formation in open field. Several civilians watch, two men with cameras photograph the band. The same children from the opening scene of this story in their red and white uniforms are on the field. The girls walk along with white handkerchiefs in their hands, some of the boys carry balls. A brief glimpse of a woman in traditional folk costume. MLS, bustling city street, various apartment buildings and businesses, horse drawn carts, trolley and many civilians walking, it is a busy city plaza. LS of a large u-shaped government building (unsure of location), several cars parked on the tree-lined street, people and streetcars as the camera pans. MCU, Dr. Zabin and a fellow U.S. Army man stand next to their medical van. LS, high angle, pan of the city and its surrounding areas, a river runs through the town. Pan of bridges, many large buildings with red tiled roofs, mountains in the very distant BG (part underexposed). Dr. Zabin in uniform with two men in business suits standing in front of an unidentified building, they all hold their hands behind their back and pose awkwardly for the camera. Cut to Russian soldiers on tank parked on city street, in front of a large sign reading: "SERVICE" in English. The three soldiers smile for the camera. Black and white footage. Young girls with ribbons and garland in their hair, wearing school uniforms, dance with each other as several adults, soldiers and civilians seated at tables in a courtyard watch them, and mill about talking (underexposed). The girls dance in couples, perform a traditional dance, twirl and hop and wave their white handkerchiefs in unison (they seem to be the same school girls seen in Zabin's color footage). Possibly a May Day celebration, or celebration to thank and entertain the liberating soldiers. The girls join hands and dance in a circle. The young girls leave the courtyard and teenage girls dressed in white shorts and dark shirts perform a cheerleading-type routine.
US Army soldiers on Omaha Beach, France
MS, parade of soldiers in naval uniforms march through city streets (unidentified army) carrying rifles. An awning sign reads: "HAMILTON and BELL." Another store sign reads: "HUINS." To the left, a banner hangs from a window: "SOLDIER TO SOLDIER" with drawings of a marching soldier on either side of the banner. A different group of soldiers marches past the camera. Civilians line the parade route. Marching band passes by, followed by U.S. Army soldiers in dress uniforms, followed by soldiers in combat gear, and one with an American flag. American women in uniform, another group of unidentified soldiers with a piece of a cannon, nurses in white aprons with red crosses and white scarves on their heads, and an unidentified navy and their marching band follow. END INT, MS, a theater production (Shakespeare?). The camera focuses on the stage. EXT, VS of monuments and statues. MS, Col. Zabin stands at left next to a large bronze statue of a man deep in thought. Other U.S. Army soldiers in the BG. MLS, brief glimpse of a grassy hill in the countryside. EXT, a British army officer posing near a car with a dog. INT, MCU, group of women seated at a table (poorly lit), camera pans the table, a man is seated at the head of the table, talking and smiling, men and women in uniform sit opposite. EXT, LS of a ship in open water. Pan of the water, various ships, shot from the deck of another ship. Very far in the distance, there is the faint outline of a building along the shore (overexposed). Pan of the water, warships flying a small dirigible-type object on its mast, docked in open water. 01:04:49 This is Omaha Beach. MS, American soldiers camped along a hillside on the coast. Small dirigible-like balloons also fly here on land. Soldiers set up camp. Harbor, large industrial vessels. Quick cut to soldiers setting up camp again, pan of the surrounding hillside. More scenes of the beach, ships docked near the shoreline, and military supply vehicles driving along the beach. Several tanks are also parked along the shore. MS, German POWs sitting in a field, in uniform, speaking to each other, some look at the camera. They are all trying to open a small box (perhaps holding C rations or cigarettes). U.S. Army medical truck in BG. POWs line up to receive rations. MCU, young POW smiles at the camera as he begins to open box. MLS, soldiers digging trenches. MS officers - farthest left is Gen. Eisenhower smoking a cigarette while standing in a jeep. MS, Eisenhower seated, turns and smiles to the camera. 01:09:59:24 Eisenhower with a Naval officer and General George C. Marshall, who was the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army at the time and Eisenhower's superior. They stand, talk to each other. MS, American soldiers, atop a tank, smile for the camera. Color footage. MLS, in an open grassy field, U.S. soldiers fold several large parachutes, field hospital tent in BG. VS, the beach head, CUs of ships on shore, CUs of their numbers. Quick shot of a field of grain. MS, two women walk into a house, followed by a man and a dog. The man, in civilian dress exits the house with the dog. CU, U.S. Army soldiers speak to the locals at their base camp/field hospital. A soldier looks up and waves to the camera. MS, a street corner in a French town. French flag hangs from the building. Civilians and military move about the streets. Pan of a municipal building and the statues, an American flag and a French flag fly side by side. Black and white footage. INT, CU of a cathedral, pan of the ornate architectural details, the pipe organ, and the crystal chandelier as well as stained glass windows, etc. EXT, MS a group of ducks waddling along, crossing a street and continuing to walk down the center of the street. END Color footage. MLS, U.S. soldiers at base camp. Pan of destroyed bridge, the soldiers have created a makeshift bridge to cross the river. Civilians also use this temporary bridge, a local man walks his bicycle over the bridge, a woman in an apron also crosses. MLS, the U.S. Army medics base camp and field hospital, pan of the tents and surrounding countryside. More views of the soldiers at work and the surrounding farmland.
Liberation: Luxembourg, Cologne; US Army soldiers; wounded men; field hospital
Color footage. HAS plane circling in sky. From plane, pan of rooftops of buildings, metal rooftops on wooden buildings. Plane in flight. Man in leather bomber jacket and hat walking into a building; the ground is covered in snow. Black and white footage. Aerial photographs (jumpy) of a cathedral and surrounding buildings. Plane moves, capturing scenes of the U.S. army base camp, tents and trucks below. Pastures, cows, buildings, scaffolding, hills, bodies of water (overexposed) MS, camouflaged tanks move along a dirt road. One tank operator looks at the camera and gives the thumbs up sign. As each tank passes by the operators acknowledge the cameraman. END Liberated town, U.S. army supply trucks are parked on the main street. Civilians fill the streets walking up and down. MCU of civilians, looking and pointing at American soldiers atop vehicles. People lean out of apartment windows, wave to the soldiers; the soldiers descend from vehicles and wave to the civilians. A flag (possibly French) hangs from the apartment building. VS crowded street. U.S. military convoy begins to move, camera films the crowds and scenery as the trucks roll by (jerky and out of focus). MCU to CU of a group of U.S. soldiers in their jeep approaching the camera, the soldiers smile and joke with each other and the camera. (Col. Zabin himself shot this footage). MCU, American soldiers in an open jeep, there are a number of women with this unit. END MS, U.S. Army field camp, medical trucks, tents, large red cross on the ground to be seen from above by enemy or friendly aircraft. Pan of the camp. MS, freight train approaches a crossing, low angle shot. Train station, civilians move about. MS, a street in an unidentified town, some buildings are still standing but surrounded by a lot of rubble and destruction. Civilians talk to each other and walk in the FG. MLS of a church. U.S. Army medics open truck and take wounded men on stretchers to an airplane. END Overexposed MS, wounded men getting out of an open truck. U.S. army medics greet them. VS, the wounded lie on the ground in the sun relaxing and waiting for further treatment. They are not American soldiers, possibly Russian? Medical personnel conduct examinations in the open field, some men are on stretchers, most are bandaged. MCU, a German soldier, stands quietly looking at the camera then casts his eyes downward; he seems to be the only German soldier in the group. Other unidentified uniforms are stripped of their markings. VS of the field hospital. END Color footage. Plane flying, electrical wires. MLS, an unidentified town, stone bridge, trees and mountains. Pan of the town and surrounding hills, medieval-looking wall. VS, townscape, steeples, rooftops, sunset, snow on the ground. In the BG, army convoys move along the road. MCU, Col. Zabin in combat uniform, helmet, and armband smiles for the camera, he rubs his hands together and takes off his hat. Col. Zabin, still rubbing his hands together to demonstrate that it's cold. Aerial views of field hospital and treetops, extremely lush, green countryside, a number of large buildings with grass roofs. More out of focus AVs. END Black and white footage. MS, hundreds of soldiers on the deck of a ship. The ship is docked at Le Havre. A sign reading: "NYU VICTORY' hangs on the deck of one of the ships. Overhead shot, a group of the soldiers gamble, several have stacks of money in their hands. MS, Col. Zabin walking on the ship's deck, he stops and smiles for the camera and looks out to the water. Overexposed shot of the water and a smaller boat. END
U.S. Army soldiers; surgery; hospital; Gen. Patton; liberated villagers
CU of an open wound, the camera pulls back and pans the body, the wound is on a man's inner thigh, it is a large, open wound that penetrates several layers of muscle. The doctor lifts up the man's penis and cleans around the wound, prepping for surgery. The man is covered by a blanket from the waist up. CU of another wounded man with a small bandage on his head. He takes the bandage off and blood begins to stream down his forehead. The top of the man's head is out of frame, he continues to look directly at the camera, he is wearing a torn T-shirt. He reaches to put the bandage back on his head as the blood begins to trickle down to his nose. The soldier holds his helmet with a bullet hole in front of him, he illustrates how and where the bullet hit him. He smiles. MCU, a man and a woman smile as they fold and sort laundry: sheets, blankets, and hospital gowns. MCU, woman at a sewing machine. CU, another woman, wearing a scarf on her head, folds laundry and sorts surgical instruments. Table of surgical instruments. CU of another wounded body part, tendons and ligaments are exposed, more CUs. END MCU, doctor performs field surgery, stitches a patient. VS, surgery, the doctor seems to be tying off intestines, but it is very difficult to discern since the patient is completely covered in a sheet. Reel ends and another reel begins, continuing where the first left off in surgery. CU, Dr. Zabin holds a piece of the organ in clamps. END MLS, buildings (barracks?) in unidentified location, they are damaged, only wooden beams remain for the roof. Soldiers mill about in BG, some hold rifles. MCU, an American soldier frisking an enemy soldier who has surrendered. Several U.S. soldiers and military vehicles milling about in BG. END MLS, several U.S. Army medics with white armbands and a red cross set up a field hospital. They are driving in stakes for tents, putting up large white tents, etc. CU three officers, they smile for the camera. END Color footage. Liberation of an unidentified town. U.S. soldiers and locals who seem to be soldiers carry fur coats and animal hides (mostly shearlings) from a building. They wear the coats and carry others on their backs. Local with a large base drum. Soldiers take out more and more coats, some stop to look at the camera. Large building in BG, parts are damaged. More soldiers emerge from the storehouse, carrying brass instruments, one pretends to play a French horn, they laugh, some also carry suitcases. One local with fur coat and trombone smiles for the camera, another man with a tuba over his arm poses for the camera. Women appear in the fur coat, join the U.S. soldiers and local men, and 'loot' the storehouse. A woman in a bright red shirt and a long blue apron, smiles for the camera as she rushes into the building. MS, a U.S. soldier and another man on horseback. VS, U.S. soldiers and Russian(?) soldiers getting water from a well in a liberated town. Many men mill about, some look awkwardly at the camera. They may be soldiers, or they may be locals who have confiscated uniforms. END Color footage. Field Hospital, MCU, two soldiers lying on stretchers in a grassy clearing. CU, one soldier lying on a stretcher. MCU, several soldiers in blue uniforms (Russian?). A group of U.S. and Russian soldiers recline on the grass. In BG, a woman in unidentified uniform takes still photos of the group of men in the FG. A U.S. Army medic examines wounded soldiers in the field, one man pulls down his pants so the medic can look at his bandaged leg. The camera pans the group, focuses on a few other wounded soldiers. MCU, Col. Zabin with a wounded soldier with his arm in a cast, both smile awkwardly for the camera. MS white army medical trucks. MCU, wounded Russian(?) soldiers climbing into the back of a truck. More CUs of wounded men on stretchers. CU, American soldier holding up a swastika from the central portion of a Nazi flag, the camera pans to rows and rows of wounded men on stretchers lying in the field. END Black and white footage. MS General Patton talking to someone off camera. Various angles and pans of Patton, he walks back to his trailer and goes inside. CU, man's forearm with a swastika tattoo. Camera pans up to his face, the young man looks at the camera, talks to the cameraman, and smiles. EXT MLS, camera pans a long line of people, a mix of men and women, soldiers and civilians, they are most likely liberated villagers. U.S. Army medical unit truck in BG, U.S. Army men are interviewing people. END Color footage. MLS large building, ground and the rooftop covered with snow. Camera pans a row of U.S. Army medical trucks parked outside the building. VS, bombed out buildings and rubble, snow covered buildings and ruins. Pan of more destroyed buildings, signs in French indicate a bakery was once housed in one of these buildings. U.S. Army convoy moves through the town. END