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Oral history interview with David Bitman

Oral History | Digitized | Accession Number: 2009.29.2 | RG Number: RG-50.590.0002

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    Oral history interview with David Bitman


    Interview Summary
    David Bitman describes the development of the Jewish Communist schools in Argentina in the 1940s and 1950s; the relationship with the Jewish Board of Education and the Jewish principal institutions like the AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina); the Zionist influence and discourse with the schools; various activists who participated in the Jewish Communist Movement; the Zitlowsky Yiddish School; the discourse surrounding the government order to have private schools offer a day-long education; how many Jewish schools had to close their doors and others decided to offer a day-long education and accepted non-Jews; spending his first years in Uruguay; the demise of the Banco Israelita del Uruguay; the curriculum in the schools; moving to Buenos Aires, Argentina, after the beginning of WWII because for personal financial reasons; arriving on February 5, 1940; registering his daughters in the Zitlowsky Yiddish School, which was then affiliated with the Yiddisher Kultur Farband; how the school became affiliated with the Jewish Board of Education around 1944; how after the creation of Israel, Hatikva was allowed to be sung, and it was even translated into Yiddish so that the students would know what they were singing; being invited to form part of the pedagogic committee in charge of producing the books for the school; the view of some of the leftist schools, like the Peretz, that the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was organized by Communist Jews; the inspections of the schools by the Jewish Board of Education; and how in the Zitlowsky schools it was forbidden to make criticisms of the Soviet Union in writing.
    David Bitman
    interview:  1986 May 19
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, acquired from the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina-Communidad de Buenos Aires

    Physical Details

    1 CD-ROM.

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    There are no known restrictions on access to this material.
    Conditions on Use
    Restrictions on use. Donor retains copyright. Third party use requests must be submitted to the donor.

    Keywords & Subjects

    Geographic Name
    Argentina. Uruguay.
    Personal Name
    Bitman, David.

    Administrative Notes

    The Centro de Documentatión e Information sobre Judaismo Argentino "Marc Turkow" of the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina-Comunidad de Buenos Aires (AMIA) donated a copy of its oral history interview with David Bitman to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives Branch in August 2008.
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    2023-11-16 09:16:47
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