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Großlogen Deutschlands des jüdischen Ordens B'nai B'rith, Berlin (Fond 769)

Document | Digitized | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.34 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.34

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    Constitution of B'nai B'rith and other materials of the Great Lodge of Germany (B'nai B'rith), including minutes, financial reports, lists of members who were lawyers, proceedings, and information for local lodges; minutes of the executive committee of the Great Lodge; minutes of a 1932 secret meeting about annual reports, charity, and other questions; communications to the Ministry of the Interior and the Gestapo; correspondence with other lodges in Europe; correspondence with individuals regarding immigration conditions in other countries, in particular Argentina; correspondence with branch lodges and other organizations regarding charitable activities; reports for Jewish hospitals in Marienbad and Bad Kissingen and with other Jewish benevolent organizations; materials of the Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der deutschen Juden, including lists of locations abroad where Jewish law students could study and other matters; proceedings and minutes of various B'nai B'rith and Masonic organizations; issues of Monatsschrift; correspondence with the Ministry of the Interior regarding abolition of the Great Lodge; information about dissolution of B'nai B'rith lodges generally. The collection also contains bulletins of the Grand Lodge; pamphlets and journals; articles from Jewish newspapers on the Yishuv in Palestine; reviews and bibliographic indexes of Jewish and German literature; issues of the Jewish youth magazine “Der Jugendbund” and the Masonic magazine “Die Bauhűtte; issues of the bulletin “Der Orden Bne Briss”, the women’s magazine “Die Frau von Heute, and other publications; a collection of depictions of the seals of Jewish lodges of America and Germany; newspaper clippings on the works of Goethe, Lessing, Zola, Wagner, and others; clippings on manifestations of antisemitism, on the activities of the committee to aid Jewish victims in Russia; and a portrait of the Order of B’nai B'rith founder, Henry Jones.

    Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
    Alternate Title
    The Great Lodge of the Jewish Order, B'nai B'rith, Berlin
    inclusive:  1928-1937
    Credit Line
    Forms part of the Claims Conference International Holocaust Documentation Archive at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. This archive consists of documentation whose reproduction and/or acquisition was made possible with funding from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
    Collection Creator
    Grosslogen Deutschlands des jüdischen Ordens B'nai B'rith, Berlin
    The independent Order of B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant) was established in New York in 1843 by a group of German-origin Jews headed by Henry Jones. The B’nai B’rith was established to help raise the moral, spiritual, and social level of Jews, espousing philanthropy, charity, and fraternity. The organization was free of any particular political or religious ideology. The German Grand Lodge sponsored various welfare programs. It financed nursing courses and the association of Jewish Nurses, founded a Jewish orphanage and a school for retarded children in Berlin, an employment agency, and a cultural fund to support educational institutions. The German Grand lodge helped established and finance the Union of Jewish Youth Associations in Germany, published the youth journal “Wegweiser” fur die Jugendliteratur”, as well as numerous books and pamphlets for youth. Only men could be a full member of the Grand Lodge, women‘s auxiliary loges were established in beginning of 1897.
    Fishman, D. E. and Kupovetsky, M, Kuzelenkov, V. (ed.), Nazi-Looted Jewish Archives in Moscow. A guide to Jewish Historical and Cultural Collections in the Russian State Military Archive. Scranton: University of Scranton Press 2010. Published in association with the United States Holocaust memorial Museum and The Jewish Theological Seminary.

    RG-12, The Benjamin Ferencz Collection [USHMM Archives]

    Louis Maretzki. Geschichte des Ordens Bnei Briss in Deutschland. 1882–1907, Berlin 1908.

    Cornelia Wilhelm. Community in Modernity. Finding Jewish Solidarity within the Independent Order of B’nai Brith, in: Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook 1 (2002), pp. 297–319.

    Browder, G. C. Captured German and other Nation's Documents in the Osobyi (Special) Archive, Moscow. Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of Conference Group for Central European History of the American Historical Association. Internet access:

    Physical Details

    6 microfilm reels (partial) ; 16 mm.
    6,062 digital images : JPEG.
    System of Arrangement
    Fond 769 (1844-1939). Opis 1-3; Delo 2,412. Selected records arranged in five series: 1.The constitution of the order "B'nai B'rith" (1935); 2. Reports, minutes and correspondence on various subjects, 1932-1937; 3. Freemason materials; 4. Issues of the bulletin of the United Lodges of Berlin, "Monatsshrift." (1931-1932); 5. Minutes of the meetings of the executive committee of the Great Lodge, and correspondence, 1930-1936.

    Note: Location of digital images; Partial microfilm reels #103-105, 191-192, 204;
    Reel 103: Image #1566-Reel end;
    Reel 104: Reel start-Reel end;
    Reel 105: Reel start-Image #476;
    Reel 191: Image #1760-Reel end;
    Reel 192: Reel start-Reel end;
    Reel 204: Image #1052-1074.

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    There are no known restrictions on access to this material.
    Conditions on Use
    Reproduction and publication only with written permission of the Russian State Military Archives

    Keywords & Subjects

    Personal Name
    Jones, Henry.

    Administrative Notes

    Source of acquisition is the Russian State Military Archive (Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ voennyĭ arkhiv), Osobyi Archive, Fond 769. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archival Programs Division in 1993, and accretion 1999.
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    2023-08-28 09:13:56
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