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Text only poster declaring the Anschluss as a German Austria homecoming

Object | Accession Number: 1990.333.12

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    Text only poster declaring the Anschluss as a German Austria homecoming

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    Brief Narrative
    German text only poster declaring the German annexation of Austria, the Anschluss, as a long overdue homecoming for Austria. The poster highlights several important years and events in Austrian and German history. In 1806, France and Napoleon dissolved the Germanic Holy Roman Empire which had stood for nearly a thousand years, and created a French puppet state from the German kingdoms. The Revolutions of 1848 were a series of revolts against European monarchies that spread from France into Austria and the other German states. The revolts all ended in failure with the monarchies retaining their power. World War I ended in 1918 and the Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain were signed. The Allies placed the blame for the war on Germany and the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary and levied massive reparations against the two nations, forced them to cede territory, and broke up Austria Hungary into several smaller independent nations. Finally, in 1938, Germany annexed Austria, uniting the two German speaking peoples for the first time since the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire.
    publication:  1938
    distribution: Germany
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection
    front, printed, black ink : 1806 / Zerfall des alten Reiches: / „Deutschland inseiner tiefsten Erniedrigung" / 1848 / Die großdeutsche Revolution wird / von der Reaktion niedergeschlagen. / 1918 / Versailles und St. Germain bestimmen die / "ewige Trennung" / Deutschland und Deutsch-Oesterreich. / 1938 / heimkehr Deutsch-Oesterreichs: / das großdeutsche Reich ist erstanden! [1806 decay of the old empire: "Germany in its deepest humiliation" / 1848 The big German revolution becomes knocked down by the reaction. / 1918 Versailles and St. Germain determine the "eternal separation" Germany and German Austria. / 1938 homecoming of German Austria: the Greater German Reich has arisen!]

    Physical Details

    Nazi propaganda
    Physical Description
    Text only poster on red colored paper and black print that has been adhered to a white linen backing. The poster has a column of four years in ascending order on the left side, with the top three crossed out. To the right of each year are two to three lines of text in fraktur font. At the bottom there is a long, thin horizontal line. The top right corner is stained and there is a dirt smudge in the bottom center.
    overall: Height: 23.750 inches (60.325 cm) | Width: 33.250 inches (84.455 cm)
    overall : paper, ink, adhesive, linen, pencil

    Rights & Restrictions

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    No restrictions on use

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    Administrative Notes

    The poster was acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1990.
    Record last modified:
    2025-01-02 11:36:31
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