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Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

Film | Digitized | Accession Number: 1999.A.0087 | RG Number: RG-60.2100.179 | Film ID: 2179

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    Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused


    A slate indicates the date and the session time. The opening shots show the courtroom before the trial starts, focusing on people in the courtroom. Attorney General Gideon Hausner with his assistants at the prosecution table appear in the opening shot. The defense lawyer, Robert Servatius, enters the courtroom and sits at the desk closest to Eichmann's booth. Adolf Eichmann, carrying a stack of documents, is escorted by two security officers into the bulletproof booth. The people in the courtroom rise as the judges enter (00:05:29) and announce the opening of the 103rd session.

    Cross-examination by Hausner establishes Eichmann's presence in Budapest, Hungary in March 1944 as well as the names of members of a commando assembled in Mauthausen prior to his placement in Hungary. Eichmann is questioned about various persons who were present at this assembly. Eichmann states that he does not know some of the names, or is not sure if certain men were present, while the remainder he identities as being part of IVB4, the department of which he was the head (00:07:15). The prosecutor turns his questions to Eichmann's orders to evacuate the Hungarian Jews to the East and his general orders in Hungary (00:16:35). Hausner states that Eichmann was sent to Hungary for the specific purpose of preventing another uprising such as had happened in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. Hausner cites a statement by Himmler, in which he referred to Eichmann as "the master," which Eichmann disputes at length. Eichmann is then asked to look over documents from an interrogation by a Captain Less of the Israeli Police pertaining to this reference of him as "the master" and his duties in Hungary (00:43:48).

    Hausner cross-examines the accused about meetings that took place in Vienna, Austria to discuss the deportations, and the presence of Franz Novak at these meetings. Eichmann is asked about his role in the arrangement of the deportations, insisting that his role was merely technical, involving timetables and train schedules. The presence of people from his section at the time of deportations is discussed at length, with Eichmann claiming that he was not aware of their presence. Hausner asks about the content of the general directives relating to the evacuations and deportations. Eichmann responds that the deportations were first limited to able-bodied men then became more general with an evacuation of the entire community. Eichmann is then questioned about how many Order Police he had at his disposal (00:53:54) and he gives a lengthy description of his duties in Hungary followed by an explanation as to how often he met with Endre, the chief of the Hungarian gendarmerie.
    Film Title
    Eichmann Trial
    Event:  1961 July 19
    Production:  1961 July 19
    Jerusalem, Israel
    Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archives of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Director: Leo Hurwitz
    Producer: Milton Fruchtman
    Camera Operator: Rolf M. Kneller
    Camera Operator: F. Csaznik
    Camera Operator: J. Jonilowicz
    Camera Operator: J. Kalach
    Camera Operator: Emil Knebel
    Producer: Capital Cities Broadcasting Corporation
    Emil Knebel was a cinematographer known for Andante (2010), Adam (1973), and Wild Is My Love (1963). He was one of the cameramen who recorded daily coverage of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem (produced by Capital Cities Broadcasting Corp and later held academic positions in Israel and New York teaching filmmaking at universities. Refer to CV in file.

    Physical Details

    English German Hebrew
    B&W / Color
    Black & White
    Image Quality
    Time Code
    00:01:23:00 to 01:07:24:00
    Film Format
    • Master
    • Master 2179 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
      Master 2179 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
      Master 2179 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
      Master 2179 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
    • Preservation
    • Preservation 2179 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2179 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2179 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2179 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
    Public Domain
    Conditions on Use
    To the best of the Museum's knowledge, this material is in the public domain. You do not require further permission from the Museum to reproduce or use this material.

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    Film Provenance
    Capital Cities Broadcasting Corporation recorded the proceedings of the Adolf Eichmann trial in 1961. The original recording was made on two-inch format videotape. One set of videotapes contained selected portions of the trial for distribution to television stations. The "selected portions" version remained in Israel and was later turned over to the Israel State Archives. Capital Cities Broadcasting retained the set of videotapes containing the complete trial proceedings at offices in New York City until 1965, when they gave the videotapes to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. The Anti-Defamation League, in turn, gave the complete set to the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1972. With a grant from the Revson Foundation, Hebrew University transferred the two-inch videotapes to U-Matic format. During the transfer process, Hebrew University created three duplicate sets. One set was given to the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive, one to the Israel State Archives, and one set to the Jewish Museum in New York City. In 1995, the Israel State Archives transferred the trial footage to digital videoformat with a grant from the Israeli Prime Minister's Office. Three subsequent digital videotape copies resulted from this transfer of footage. The Israel State Archives retained one digital copy and a second set was deposited at the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum received the third set of digital videotapes in May 1999.
    See official transcripts, published in "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann", Vol. I-V, State of Israel, Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem, 1994. Also available online at the Nizkor Project.
    Copied From
    2" Quad
    Film Source
    Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
    File Number
    Legacy Database File: 2454
    Source Archive Number: VTEI 234
    Record last modified:
    2024-02-21 07:46:02
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